What am I thankful for?
I have many things to be thankful for. The love and support of my family remains on the top of my gratitude list. They are the guiding force behind all of my endeavors. I never forget how fortunate I am to have each and every one of them in my life. The next thing I’m thankful for is my new friends at Decadent Publishing. Since I joined them in October, I have been consistently amazed at how talented, friendly, and funny they are. Someone will always reach out to assist you, if you have a question. I’m also forever thankful for my ability to be able to face each challenge, knowing, I’m where I should be. When I learn from my mistakes, it keeps me motivated. Lastly, I’m thankful everyday that my passion for writing, makes me look forward to each new day.
What have I been thinking about?
I’ve been thinking a lot about how far my character Madeline Young and Nathaniel Griffin have come, since the first day I created them. One slow morning in the emergency room, I sat at my desk daydreaming. I grabbed a piece of scrap paper and jotted down the premise for Echoes At Dawn. Another nurse, who is also a writer and I got together and made a pact to write everyday, until our stories were finished. We kept our promise, and went on to complete our novels. My hero and heroine have come a long way, since that first day in the emergency room. I love them both and I’ve learned so much from them. I only hope my readers will love them, too.
What am I thirty for?
I want to read my name on the New York Times Bestseller’s List. It must be a wonderful thing for a writer to know that their work is loved and touches so many people. I believe a thirst for what we desire can move us forward and helps make the impossible happen. If we look at ourselves as never being able to accomplish our goals, then we never will. We all start somewhere and learn as we go along. Today, I value the power of positive affirmations and I try to envision my dreams.
Before I became a registered nurse, I worked in a file room. I wanted to go back to school, but at the time, I never thought it was possible. The company had problems and I found myself on unemployment. My son encouraged me to go back to school and I took the chance, after changing my doubts and fears, into goals. I learned to reach for what I wanted.
Now, eighteen years later, I’m writing, which I also thought I missed out on. Now, I’m an upcoming published author and I have an opportunity to accomplish something I’ve always wanted to do. Thirst is a good thing; it makes your dreams become a reality.
I thirst for my name to be on the NYTBS list as well! I have an idea. Why don't we get there together? ;)
Take me with you!
Though I'll bring some rum in case we get thirsty for other things! Well, for rum at least!
Deena and Maureen,
Now we're on a mission!
Just goes to show you can do anything you put your mind to! Great post!
Thanks so much, Ellen.
I'm sitting right in the middle of my cluttered little space. lol I just saw your post. Great!
It would be extremely nice to be on a New York best seller list. Or to truly be a best seller.
We all start somewhere, but I don't remember starting it's been so long ago. I know I've done nothing but go forward since. I do know that all the personal goals I wanted to accomplish are slowly becoming a reality. But lets face it guys, if we accomplished fame and fortune too quickly, how much would it be appreciated? Getting there is half the fun they say and I want to enjoy the ride.
I think you might say that Decadent authors have a common goal, to reach a successful climb.
Let's aim for the stars!!!!
Love and blessings
Thanks for stopping by Rita. I agree with you. It's so much fun, and doing it together, is even better.
Hi Kathleen!
Great post! I always say, if you're going to dream, dream big. :)
Hi Shiela, Thanks so much. We're a determined bunch, aren't we?
What a great post. And a great idea-making a promise with a friend. Somebody to be accountable for.
I thirst to see my name on an actual book. Doesn't have to be NYTs yet, but just a physical book. Something tangible I can hold in my hand and flip through.
I think if we're patient, all things will come to us.
When we were held accountable, we could not quit. Thanks so much, J.M. Positive energy is the motto for today.
Thank you for this wonderful post, Kathleen. When I was an innocent twenty-something I wrote an affirmation that I've tried to hold onto ever since. It's short and I'll share it with you because I think it fits nicely with this post--Dreams are our stepping stones through life. Always reach beyond your grasp.
Leanne, I love it! Thank you for sharing your affirmation with me. Beautifully said!
How inspiring! Thanks for the lift! And good for you!
Nice to hear from you, Judy. I'm glad you liked it. Today has been a day filled with promise.
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