Here’s the thing about my life. I have very few secrets. Between blogging and promoting/marketing as The Beer Wench for my brewery and writing/promoting/blogging as Liz, I’ve revealed waaaaaaaay more than I should already. But. The Decadent Powers That Be Ask. So.
I’m gonna find seven things that have yet to be revealed……
Number seven:
Until I became The Beer Wench, brewery owner and marketing queen my absolute favorite go-to alcohol was a big, fat, dry Italian Chianti. The kind that costs more than $20 and does not come in a straw-wrapped bottle suitable for a candle.
Number six:
I lost my virginity in a church. I will say no more as a story is being formed around it.
Number five:
I have seriously contemplated plastic surgery. I went so far as to have my “what don’t you like about yourself” meeting with my local version of Drs. Troy and MacNamara (sorry I LOVED THAT SHOW!). I was literally talked out of a boob job and into a “lift” which I will embark upon in February. Yep. I am. My face will match my Yoga pummeled body soon.
Don’t hate me.
Number four:
I spent three hours in a mosh pit, about 15 feet from Dave Grohl at a Foo Fighter concert that I took my 2 daughters (13 and 16) and the 16 year old’s boyfriend to. It was so stressful getting tee shirts, signing the releases for the “mosh pit liability release” that my 13-year-old held my hand up the stairs and said: “look mom! Craft Beer! Go get a couple before we go in!” The Palace at Auburn Hills (Michigan) has a whole beer booth with JUST CRAFT BEER. Awesome. I took her advice.
Number three:
I am in favor of medical marijuana.
Number Two:
I have been cheated on. And forgiven. Although it took more than a year.
Number One:
Every single day I dread waking up. I’m not just “not a morning person.” I’m one of those whose worries and cares and dreads and all that comes with owning a small business and trying to write/promote and be the success I want to be clamp down on my opening eyes in way that makes me totally understand this from one of my fav movies of all time:
There you have it.
Lots of scary, weird and only mildly useless facts from: Liz!
Visit Liz and other
Decadent Publishing
authors in the
November 4th - 30th.

Decadent Publishing
authors in the
November 4th - 30th.
And that's why we love you. :)
I went to a Bush concert at The Palace of Auburn Hills with friends many years ago. It was quite a memorable experience, including crossing the border. Yeah...
Liz, you're a big, brave soul to do all this, and take the kids to a mosh pit. Your daughters will never forget it and love you forever.
My work would not be complete as a mother without that, no?
Here we are again. At some point isn't it just easier to say where you aren't?
Can't wait to hear more about the church story.
it's a dirty job this constant promotion.
Liz, you are one intriguing woman! We REALLY need to hang out and drink beer...lots of it:)
Liz, you are a hell of woman to forgive. I'm not sure that I could. We so need to drink beer together.
In a church? Really? Wow! I lost mine to a boy I met at church.
You strike me as being a strong, loving woman, Liz. Good for you.
And in church!! Ooh I can't wait to meet you!! Hope it won't be in a hot fiery place!!!
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