Ten years ago, I woke to a horrifying dream of demons attacking humans and one woman who was on the run. She found herself caught in a group who she thought was safe only to find herself embroiled in a battle between good and evil. Before she could run, a gunshot rang out and she felt the searing pain slice into her. She fell to her knees, bleeding from the gunshot wound, but she didn’t die. Instead, she turned into a demon and began attacking the men around her.
I woke, sweat pouring off of me, panting as I tried to grasps what I had just dreamt. Now, most people would have been freaked out by the dream, but not me. I ran from my room, grabbed a notebook and pen, and began jotting it all down. I put my own spin on it and made it a romance. My mind was in a frenzy with this dream. It captivated me, mesmerized me, and refused to let go. I felt like a woman possessed. I couldn’t write it fast enough. Because my dream began in the middle, I was curious how it all began. What made this young woman run away? How did she end up with this group of men who were obviously into trouble? Why had she become a demon? I needed to find out and to do that, I needed to become the women.
Missy Green was born, and she needed her story told. Thus, Awaken the Demon was born.
To find out how she became a demon you’ll have to read the book. I know, I’m cruel, but hey, I do write about demons so is that really a surprise to you?
Now, you’re probably wondering why it took ten years to get this book published. Not for a lack of trying, that’s for sure. I enteredAwaken the Demon in a contest and it actually came in second place. The reason it didn’t win was that in the original, it didn’t have a happily ever after ending which is a no no in romance. So I reworked it so there was a happy ending, submitted it again to this publisher who chose it as second place and it was rejected. Why you may ask? Satan. Yes, the devil, and no he didn’t make me do it. LOL There are aspects of Satan in the book and the publisher didn’t like that the hero was a direct descendant of the big bad. Not willing to rewrite it, I submitted it to other publishers and got the same response. “Romance Novels are supposed to be romantic and bringing in someone as horrible as Satan just doesn’t work for us.” Well, hell. I get the same response time and time again. Finally I thought, okay, I’ll rewrite it. I changed it up so instead of Satan, I created the King of Demons. And instead of Missy being a descendant of witches, I made her a descendant of angels. But something wasn't right. It just didn’t feel right. So I dropped it. Awaken the Demon still possessed me and I longed to have it published. So after years of letting it gather dust on my computer, I decided to give it another shot. A friend recommended I try Decadent Publishing and so I cleaned it up and sent it in. Despite wanting desperately to have it to be published , I wasn't about to hold my breath. I knew they’d send me a rejection saying they couldn’t publish a book with Satan in it. Much to my surprise and delight, they accepted it. I think I nearly swallowed my tongue. I was speechless. My dreams, my passion for this book were finally coming to fruition. Missy Green and Draco Starr would finally have their story told. Now, you may think that is the end of it. Guess what? It’s a series. After writing Awaken the Demon, another story came to me with as much passion as the first. Offer the Demon. It’s the story of Missy and Draco’s daughter Aurora, who, despite hating having to do it, is Satan’s minion and must collect souls for him. It’s a struggle between good and evil with an ending that will leave you gasping. But like everything else I write, it spirals into more and book three was created. Who knows, there may be more but for now, there are three books in the Demon series.
Dreams do come true, if you hold onto them long enough.
Have you ever experienced something so gripping that you fought tooth and nail to bring it to light? Was there a story that you wrote, or are writing that has a hold on you and tugs at your heart? Let me know and one lucky commenter will win a copy of Awaken the Demon.
I had a dream about Walmart - now don't laugh - it was so vivid and what happened in there just cries out to be written in a story. Like you, I had to write it all down as fast as I could. In the cold light of day, I still liked the idea though I have a feeling I'd have to call it Tarmart or something. I haven't yet written it, but I did draw up a list of characters - unusual for a pantster like me - I think I'll have to make it may next project or it's going to haunt me.
Walmart - not quite got the zing of Satan!!
LOL Barbara! I don't know, there have been times that I've been in Walmart and some of the people there ack like demons.
I must say your story intrigues me. What has happened in the walmart in your dreams or rather, tarmart. LOL
Awaken the Demon sounds fantastic, Shiela! Congrats on your release!
I felt a passion for my story with Decadent, too! I would not let go of my mission to get it published. So glad Decadent liked it.
Now, I'm going through the same deep love with my current wip.
All the best with Offer the Demon! Go Shiela!
Thanks Kathleen!
Isn't it a great feeling to have your cherished baby published.
I've chosen a winner to recieve a copy of Awaken the Demon and she is........Kathleen!
Congrats Kathleen!!
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