Monday, March 14, 2011

When a Mullo Loves a Woman Playlist's right up there in the major DECADENT league, you can find it next to chocolate, reading, and all the other stuff I shall not mention here -- hey, some things that are 'meant' to be private you know! hehe
Anyway, when I heard Decadent Authors were sharing their playlists, I got school-girl giddy! I love finding out about which songs inspire authors and for which projects. Well, I had to share, too. Or it just wouldn't have been fair, now would it? So, here's my wee playlist for my current DECADENT release:

Goodreads ratings: 43 (avg rating 4.00)
She thought the mullo was just a myth…she was dead wrong.
  1. The Tea Party - Save Me - I've been a long time of The Tea Party ever since I saw them play live, many moons ago. I knew this song would be perfect for Adam; it IS Adam, not only does the sexy, dark rhythm remind me of him, but the lyrics are just perfectly suited. And I would love to save him!
  2. The Tea Party - The River - The 'river is running through my veins' - yeah, another Adam song!
  3. The Divine Madness - Break Apart - This beautiful, sad song matches Pearl, and how her 'past life' self feels. It's so haunting, and had me crying while creating her back story.
  4. The Divine Madness - Closer - This is Adam and Pearl, in the present. No other song could have done the job better. And it's one of my favorites to listen to.
  5. Yasmin Levy - Happiness - This is the song that I listened to when writing the 'bedroom' scene, and the youtube video itself is a bit of a bedroom scene. It inspired me a lot, the whole feel of the song is just perfect for Adam and Pearl's connection.
  6. Shakira - Gypsy - I listened to this song to bring out the flirty side of Pearl.
  7. Katy Perry - Hot n Cold - This song wasn't originally part of the manuscript, but upon advice from my awesome editor, who told me a bar playing the likes of The Doors was too old fashioned, and Police's Roxanne. To get 'with-it' I asked my daughter what her favorite song was. This was her selection -- and it is perfect for Adam's hot and coldness toward Pearl.
As mentioned above, the below posted youtube is my favorite song. And I love how they based the music video on Alice in Wonderland. They make some wicked music videos, and have a life time fan in me :) When A Mullo Loves A Woman would not be the book it is without their music as a backdrop to my writing. To find out more about The Divine Madness, you can find them on MySpace and Facebook FUN-FACT: this song has appeared in a movie, Dracula's Curse.

When A Mullo Loves A Woman
Adam Flint's Gypsy visions always guide him to those who need his paranormal gifts. He gets more than he bargained for in Pearl Kizzy, a beautiful spitfire from Liverpool. Adam knows that to save Pearl, he must help her accept her own Gypsy heritage.

Although Adam and Pearl fight their burning attraction for one another, a night of passion sparks memories of their treacherous former lives. Unable to face the loss of Pearl in this century, Adam scrambles for distance from the love of his life. A rejected Pearl falls into the arms of a Mullo - a gypsy vampire - who lays claim to her heart, and her life.

To survive, Adam and Pearl must accept their tragic past, and find a way to kill the undead.


Maureen said...

It always seems like once you see a band live, they really do get under your skin!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a playlist. I don't like schedules and rules, so whatever I'm in the mood for I listen to that day.

Love and blessings

JoAnne Kenrick said...

Unfortunately, the links appear blank, but they are there...they're just in black so you can't see them -- hover over and a link shall appear.
And I'm not sure what happened to the youtube video, either, but if you're interested in checking it out, go to youtube and search for Closer The Divine Madness.

Gosh, don't they just, Maureen!?

Music for books tend to happen all on their own for me, I don't sit and plan which ones I'll listen to, it just happens. Funny how things just fall into place like that :) For this project in particular. The music just happened, and it's a major factor in how this story turned out :)

P. Kirby said...

For me, music is often the literal inspiration for a scene, character or story line. I'll be listening to satellite radio or poking around iTunes, Pandora, etc., and Ka-Pow, I'll hear a song and think, "That it! The song perfectly encapsulates what is going on in a character's life; the novel's theme, etc."

At which point, it goes onto the playlist for that particular WIP. At the rate I write--SLOW--my playlists end up being hundreds of songs long.

*Wanders off to check out some of the bands on your list.*

kathleen said...

It was a good idea to ask your daugher her favorite song. Some of the new music escapes me, JoAnne.

Listening to music does inspire, and can help force us out of a rut.