- Tell us about your favorite character from your books.
It’s usually the hero from the last book I wrote. Right now, that’s Ricardo Sanchez. Rico is a Spanish vampire born in the Middle Ages. That makes him pretty old, as the book is a Space Opera set in the year 3048, and Rico is a space pirate. He’s super-gorgeous and super-hot and he has a problem resisting intriguing women and impossible jobs, which can lead him into a lot of trouble.
- Who is your favorite author?
I don’t have one favorite author—it changes. Favorites this year include: Brent Weeks, Patricia Briggs, Joe Abercrombie, Manna Francis
- What book are you reading now?
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding. It’s a Space Opera and really good!
- What was your first sale as an author?
My first sale was a short story, called Cheating Death. It’s a ghost story, with a touch of sci-fi, and was published as part of an anthology called, Spooks.
- How do you describe your writing style?
Varied. I write dark paranormals and lighter Sci-Fi.
- Plotter or Pantser? Why?
Plotter. I always wanted to be one of those people who just sits down and magical stories flow out of their subconscious. But it doesn’t work for me—I get lost in the middle. So, these days I do a detailed plot, with a scene by scene break down before I start.
- Do you play games? What kind?
I’m hooked on killer Sudoku, at the moment.
- What are your favorite TV shows?
Firefly, 24, House, Spooks. I don’t watch much television—I tend to wait until a series comes out on DVD, then I can watch it all in one go.
- When's the last time you played a musical instrument?
A long, long time ago. I was nine and I decided to learn to play the violin—I was awful. Sadly, I’m totally tone deaf—I can’t sing either.
- What would we find under your bed?
I have absolutely no idea. I make it a rule –never, ever go there!
Very wise...never, ever go under the bed.
It's scary under there! ;-)
Agree, there must be a story somewhere about what lives under the bed. And hidden talents Nicola, a violinist!
Your latest book is set in 3048 - cool! I'm always engrossed in the past. I must check it out and get a different perspective!
Actually Maureen, there's quite a few scary places I try to avoid in my house!
Definitely not a talent, Jo - my family got soooo fed up of twinkle twinkle little star.
Dianne - the future is just as exciting as the past - absolutely anything can happen!
Nina, It was Spooked (not Spooks) and it is a Bridge House anthology - and it was a great story!
And I never look under the bed either. It makes me sneeze...
When I was little, I shared a room with my sister and she always made me check under the bed for monsters before we went to sleep. I would look, Nina, there could be something good there!
Under the bed or in the closet, that's where monsters hang out. Seriously. I was an only child and after watching such shows as Dracula, with Bela Lagosi or Frankenstien with Karloff, I would stare at the closest till my eyes closed.
Interesting to go iinto the future.
Good luck with your writing.
Love and blessings
Ricardo Sanchez sounds deliciously decadent - good luck with sales of the book.
I was just worried about dust!
Huh, I was always scared to let my hands or feet hang off the bed, because of what I thought was underneath it. Funny how that is such a scary place for people.
Your book sounds wonderful. I love futuristic stuff.
Under the bed is in the same category as behind the shower curtain. Spooky!
All the best!
Oooh! We like similar shows!Loved 24 soo very much and House justcracks me up. :)
Thanks JM - I love futuristic too, writing and reading.
Kathleen - I refuse to have shower curtains in my house for that very reason!
Deena - I just watched the last season of 24 on DVD - I'm heartbroken they're finished - no more Jack!
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