Happy Sunday! I’m Graylin Fox and today we delve into my twisted little writers mind.

Has someone mentored you in your writing career? Yes, I can start by acknowledging Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I may have gotten to this point without her but it would have taken longer. See, around November of 2009, Kris asked someone to create a blog about Science Fiction and Fantasy, akin to Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. I volunteered because at the time I had barely stretched beyond my poetry in public and thought it would be a great experience. It was. Knowing my blog posts would be read by Kris and Chris (Christina F York) made me edit my work carefully and helped hone my presentation. Now our blog didn’t last a year. It turns out we were too busy with our careers to keep up a blog. But the experience is with me forever. I still write to Kris when I have questions about writing and she always responds with encouragement and no BS answers.
Do you have critique partners or beta readers? Yes, I have one of each sometimes two CP’s if the story needs major revisions. After I complete a story and have it perfected, I send it to my critique partner. She irons things out, points out POV problems (I have a lot of those - I tend to wax poetic over scenery), and corrects things I didn’t know where there. Then I go through all of her corrections and we chat about how I can make things better. When that edit/revision is complete, I send it to my beta reader. She checks to make sure the changes didn’t leave holes or gaps in the story, or create new problems. Only after incorporating her edits do I submit the story.
Do you use a pen name? Yep! I made it up! I’m sure other writers may have wonderful stories about how they picked their pen names. I really don’t. I went to a name site on the web. One of the many that give you names to use for characters. I just kept hitting “more” until I had a combination I liked. That is how Graylin Fox came to be. Now all of my social media sites are in that name. It allows me the freedom to interact with other writers, fans, and friends without compromising the confidentiality of my psychology clients.
If I were to write a series of novels? Funny you should ask that! Contagion is going to be a
series. It was definitely not the plan when I started the story. But as the story took off, I fell in love with these characters. It’s an ensemble group of Otherworld beings just trying to get by and survive. I put snark and wit into them because I need that for me to stay interested. That way the smartass comments you and I would have in the situation actually do pop out of someone’s mouth!

Describe my writing style. Hm. I have the idea for each story before I ever put a word on paper. Different scenarios play out in my imagination until I feel that “click.” Then I hook up my microphone and start to dictate/describe/narrate the scenes playing out in my head. The story falls out of my mouth at this point. I don’t think about anything other than getting as much detail into words as possible. The editing process will cover the POV, flow of story, and removing the ‘babble.’ This way I can write the first draft to a story in a matter of hours. That is after I thought about it for a couple of weeks!
Ah, the internal storyteller, always dig doing that!
Thanks for giving me the idea to record my ideas. I never really thought of it before.
Love the pen name you chose.
Nice spotlight today, Graylin!
I guess we all have someone who inspired us to the point of continuing the idea of writing. And it is nice that you have partners to check your work for you.
Interesting pen name.
Love and blessings
I enjoyed learning more about you, Graylin. Your poetry is good, so don't ever give it up! I think Rita is right, we all have someone who inspired us to write...and thank God for them!!!
Excellent post Graylin and I love the name!
It was a delight to see inside your mind and to find out all the things that inspire you.
Graylin, what an interesting way to come up with a pen name! I can empathize with your need to keep your 2 lives separate. Teaching children, I did the same, but I know my cover will be blown since their parents are dying to get their hands on my books! lol
It's nice to hear your inspiration for becoming a writer. I'm sure your Mother would have been thrilled.
I love the picture, too.
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