1) Once upon a time, I died. (Not long enough to see the light, but I sure gave it a shot.)
2) My husband saved my life. (Bless the old CPR class. I guess some things you never forget.)
3) I’m now part bionic. (Well, I consider my interior cardiac defibrillator a bionic addition to my body. Sure, no super powers, save that it will shock my heart back to working should it crap out on me again…)
4) I recorded a music CD and have stood before an audience at a coffee shop and sung acapella. (And smiled when the espresso machine went off. Want a CD? I still have a handful, e-mail me, I’ll send it.)
5) I have held a propane torch and chanted to Pele as solder flowed and silver did my bidding.
6) I named my first dog after a hero from a mystery series, Archie Goodwin. (Not Archie Bunker as too many assumed hearing his name. Idiots.)
7) I have seen Jethro Tull live seven times, the last being an acoustic performance. (The one band I will travel hours to see.)
8) I have held the wheel of a tall ship and sailed the Sea of Cortez. (The fair ship Talufa, if ever in Cabo San Lucas, look them up!)
9) I once swam with stingrays and was marked by one upon my thigh. I counted it a blessing.
10) I was on vision quest in Death Valley and in the silence of a winter day, I heard the whoosh of a raven’s wing high above me. (And nearly suffered frost bite on my nipples at night. Damn, it got cold once the sun went down!)
Glad your husband took that CPR class! What a story to tell, Maureen. I have to admit, I've never heard of Archie Goodwin or Jethro Tull.
I enjoyed getting to know you a little better today.
What a fantastical life you have led so far! I could listen to your stories all day. :)
Hey Maureen, I'm glad your hub knew CPR, too.
What a adventure seeker you've been. I love the old bands, but JBJ is the guy I travel for.
Bring a CD to RT, love to hear it. I'm a big Idol fan, too.
Wow, you found me under the band! ;-)
Gracen, Jethro Tull is a 60-70s rock band...I bet you've heard some of the their music but just don't realize it. Though with the way radio stations are so specific now...maybe not!
And Archie Goodwin was the sidekick and narrator of a mystery series. A very famous mystery series. The Nero Wolfe mysteries.
But it's okay that you don't know!
Yeah, husband's CPR class was over 30 years old!
Deena! Fascinating? Really? It all sounds far more interesting than it really is! ;-)
Kathleen, nothing against JBJ, I think I'm more a harder rock girl, er...woman. But I'd go see him if he came to town!
Maureen have you considered writing a memoir? Your life has been full of excitement, surprise and crazy fun.
A memoir...actually, I have. But I'd have to blur thourh a lot of stunningly boring years for the few fascinating times! But thanks for the compliment!
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