Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Way Thursday with Heather Bennett


This week I am thankful for a few very basic things in my life--that tomorrow I will have survived years on this Earth (Yay! Happy Birthday to MMEEEE!) and will celebrate with an incredible, fun, supportive group of friends and family. I have been truly blessed to have these people in my life, and I tell them often. I believe love and kindness is something to be shared, not hoarded, and I think they all know exactly how much I appreciate them. Along with that, I am thankful for the new friends I have made through Decadent Publishing. The creativity, enthusiasm for life and craft, and humor of the people surrounding my 'virtual' life give me reasons to smile and laugh every single day. What an incredible gift!
I am also thankful for a very sweet, thoughtful, sexy, funny, and supportive husband, whom I will be celebrating 11 years of marriage with this weekend (yeah, I had to put the dates close so he had no chance of accidentally forgetting). Life with him has been a TRUE adventure, and one I've never regretted for a day. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me, and there is no one on Earth I'd rather spend time with than him; and I know a LOT of people.

Well, I have A.D.D. so I am never not thinking about one thing or...six! My nine year old daughter is the same, and while it makes it difficult for her to stay on task for homework, I know from experience that it also helps her in countless ways. I was thinking today, while putting an almost-finished math sheet into her backpack, of something my husband said last week. "Hey, she's like you. Her weakness is also her strength. It's just a math sheet. Remember the skirt she sewed the other day without a pattern? She's smart and creative. Don't worry, she'll be fine." Not worry? Eerrr, like I said, he's a funny guy. But he's right. I can celebrate the mash ups in our brains that give us inspiration a whole lot easier when I remember that. It serves me well in my job as marketer for our company, and helps me find creative solutions to challenges.
And the skirt she made was fashionable, functional, and looks awesome, by the way. The kid is amazing with a sewing machine.

Easy. Margaritas. It's my birthday week, I'll have a few. Slainte!


Barbara Sheridan said...

Happy Birthday!

Deena said...

Happy birthday, Hb! I hope your day finds everything you're thankful for around you. I hope that your ADD helps you to focus on the millions of distractions due to your b-day. And finally, here's a few margarita's from my special stash! Drink up, b-day girl! :)
Hugs and extra snugs,

Maureen said...

Good way to use your 'disadvantage'? Use it to keep snatching margaritas from everyone!

"Oh, is that mine?"

It is now!

Happy b-day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Heather!!!

Valerie Mann said...

Best wishes ~ and let Julie be your DD when you go out, so you can drink all the margaritas (and everyone else's) that you want!

Mari Freeman said...

Hapyy B-Day, Chicka Poo! Go hang out with those 'Devil's' and have a party.


Kate Richards said...

Happy Birthday Heather! Rich scheduled our wedding five days after mine so we'd never forget...and then we did! oops!
Hope your birthday is awesome and fun and kicks off a fantastic year of health, wealth and happiness!

Faith Bicknell said...

Have a great birthday, Heather! And have an awesome anniversary too!

Anonymous said...


Hope you stay in good health and happy for a long, long time. Enjoy you day because it IS your day!

And many, many, more!!!

Love and blessings

Anonymous said...

THANKS, Everyone!

It's going to be a great weekend.

VALERIE! Your graphics cracked me UP! xx And Julie is so NOT my DD. LMAO!

Mari-THAT sounds like a plan!! xx

Maureen-as usual, I like how you think!

Kate-I will confess. One year we were so busy we DID forget our anniversary....until my sister reminded me 2 days later. She will NEVER let me live that one down.

Faith, Graylin, Barbara and Rita-THANK YOU! :-)

Thanks, doll! I like 'special' margaritas!!

Amanda McIntyre said...

Happy Happy, Heather for all your celebrations this week! May the joy you bring to others come back to you ten fold!

Amanda M.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Came late to the party, but hopefully not too late to say "happy birthday"
(Is it just me or does that kinda rhym...only an editor would know)

Valerie Mann said...

we forgot our anniversary one year, too. We were in the bathroom getting ready for work and I said,"Why is this date ringing a bell?" We didn't figure it out for a couple of days. DOH! Now that's love.

Anonymous said...

On a bad day, remember this. You'll ALWAYS be younger and prettier than me :o) Have a great one!

Kathleen said...

Have a wonderful birthday, Heather. Wishing you a day filled with fun and joy, surrounded by your loved ones.

Happy anniversay! Double gifts,too. Yippie!

Clarissa Yip said...

Happy Birthday! Hope all your wishes come true!

Gracen Miller said...

Happy Birthday, Heather! I hope your special day is filled with a boatload of awesome!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, be a wild child with no regrets!

KT Grant said...

Happy Birthday and those love 3 ways ;P

Stephanie Williams said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY! And many many more. Hope you partied hard!

Unknown said...

Happy late Birthday, Heather! Hope you had a rockin day, and got everything that you wanted!!!

Big Hugs~Robin