So, what is wild about me? Or my life? Not much, to be quite truthful.
Other than the fact that I live a second life on a pirate ship that sails the cyber seas. It was coming on two years ago when I stowed away on the Romance Writers Revenge. I’d picked up a postcard from this blog of scurvy ridden writing wenches in the promo room at the RWA convention in San Francisco and tucked it away.
I were always a bit pirate minded, and there be a pirate brandishing a cutlass on the card. Coolness! Took me some months ta actually go to the site and when I did, they were talking ‘bout writing topics I really weren’t familiar with. I were still pretty new ta the ‘rules.’
Though the idea of a group of pirate writers worried about rules was a bit surprising. I lurked fer quite a while, then finally, one day, they spoke about music and what you listen to as a writer for inspiration. And that was one thing I could get into. I commented, they welcomed me aboard and so I began to comment more and more. And with more and more welcome.
Until, one day, they invited me to join the crew. I’d already made meself pretty indispensible, setting up a bar on the deck and dispensing made up drinks to all. (This practice began one day when the topic strayed to the legendary glittery hooha spoken of by Jennifer Cruise. You know, the …ahem…that all the men absolutely have no resistance to? The girl they all want, all the time…with her irresistible glittery hooha.)
Anyway! I invented a drink. After all, it sounded like a drink to me. It’s pink, with a blush of red and I serve it with extra strength glitter. Which I collect from an errant pixie wench who visits the ship now and then.
Did I say any of this made sense?
At this point, I’ve been blogging regularly on Fridays, where I pontificate from the bar. I display my diploma from the Tortuga School of Bartending, tacked to the mast to the left of the bar. My handy blender sits to another side, where I am regularly fending off the kraken. (He tends to stick close to the ship, since we regularly throw our inner critics to him. Like all wild things, start to feed them and they tend to stick close from then on.) (He gets thirsty and likes the fruity drinks. I guess they go good with critics…hence I am shooing him away from the blender all the bloody time!)
Come by the ship some Friday. And see what I’m serving up. It’s bound to be very rumliscious. I’m partial to the stuff. And call me by me alter ego, 2nd Chance. How I came by that be a whole ‘nother story!
Maureen, you are one wild and crazy pirate! I LIKE it! :) I'd love to hear the stories you must have regarding the patrons of your bar...
Ah, Deena...the stories I could tell! There was this one time with Anna Campbell...suffice to say, it involved squirrels and lots of rum.
It's probably the funnest when we have a guest that will play along. And you should stop by some Sunday when we celebrate the hotness of our crewmen...
Congrats on your new release! We all need a little or maybe ahmmmmm lot of pirate in our lives! Can't wait to read your book!
All this blog needs is the phrase "And the rest is history!" LOL! I, for one, am very happy you hopped aboard and didn't put up too much of a fight when we pressganged on permanently. :)
I'm so excited and can't wait until I can get this book in my grubby little hands (or eReader!)
Don't knock the glitter!
So glad you lurked and finally came aboard the ship! You played along and even added into the madness! Now you create even more. So much fun!
Proud of you!
When you said you were blogging over here, I didn't realize you were giving all of us pirates a shout out. :)
So glad you came aboard too. Our ship had been in need of some additional libations.... LOL!
Congrats on your upcoming release. SO excited for you.
Hey Maureen just came by to visit you. You crazy pirate wench. :-)
Hi Maureen!
I'm going to have to visit the ship soon. Sounds like you all are having a ball.
I can't wait to read your new book. Congrats, gurl!!
Jane - Yes, I have found liberal amounts of pirate in your life just adds to the zest of living!
Thanks for being such a good friend!
Terri! Sin! Marn! Welcome to the Decadent blog!
When tasked to write something for Wild Wednesday, joining the Revenge was the wildest thing I do on a daily basis!
Made for happy days when I start me day blathering on the Revenge. And I have learned so much from all of you!
I think you're gonna like The Kraken's Mirror! ;-)
Niki - Always good to see you, honey!
As for being the crazy pirate wench, you have the pictures to prove it!
Rhonda - any day is a good day to visit the Revenge!
Welcome to Decadent!
Ha! Hilarious.
Maureen, why did I assume you had ALWAYS been the resident bartender on the ship? I guess because you're such a professional--not to mention inventive and creative when it comes to making those extra special concoctions for the guest bloggers.
I'm thrilled with all your success, and can't wait to see what your next wild adventure will be. :)
Wild adventure? Me!? Another one? I thought this was all I got. Though this publishing thing is turning into a wild trip all by itself!
Thanks for stopping by Donna!
Congrats, 2nd/Maureen, on your new book! Many, many happy Huzzahs and a bottle of rum! And like the rest of the crew, I too am quite happy you willingly let yourself be pressganged with us. :) You always show us and our guest a great time. You're a great host. :) And drinkmaker.
Ah, Cap'n Hellion!
Thanks fer stopping by. I were honored when ye asked me ta stay aboard. Twer a most lucky day fer me!
Thanks for the inside on how you found your niche. It sounds like you took a chance and found something you have great passion for. Passion makes a great story.
Thank you, Kathleen...I am passionate about pirates. Some writers like vamps, some like shifters...I am terribly partial to pirates!
Tortuga School of Bartending? *snicker* Interesting post! Thanks. :)
LMAO what a fun blog! And I'm simply 'dying' to hear how you came about this name, 2nd Chance. Maybe for another blog LOL
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