By Kerry
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win a copy of SENATOR, MINE…
It is no
secret that I am a history buff. Some would wonder, after meeting my oldest
daughter, where she actually came from. NASA experiment? Alien? She’s
definitely the nerdy child—brainy and all math and science. Not once has she
ever shown an interest in writing or history. She turned 18 two weeks ago, and
is by semester’s end she’ll be a junior in computer science, math, and physics.
Yeah. Lost cause for humanities, I figured.
Today, I
got an email. Now, the normal email from her goes to spam. Usually a one word
subject (if any). Often there is only a link in the body of the email.
(sometimes more than that, but she is quite efficient with her words).
Today her
email said (no subject, and a link to a photo of campus in the 1940s): “it’s weird
to realize how old this school is. How many people have walked through the same
halls, sat in the same classrooms, slept in the same dorms…”
How is this
pertinent to writing? Aside from bringing me to tears that my daughter is
finally awakening and showing sentimentality and a grasp of the connection of
human beings through time—this simple email is *exactly* how I feel about
reaching people when writing historical fiction (whether it is time travel or
straight historical). The conscious
awareness of those that have gone before is something that adds such depth to
our contemporary lives—at least I think so. These people lived and loved as
strongly and passionately as we do now—and I so enjoy reading about “lost”
times and our attempts to recreate those moments. I know we can’t recapture
things accurately since we only have the remains and scraps of history—but we
still have the human essence to work with. I find it all so amazing!
I’d love to
hear what your favorite historical fiction book is! I have many—I’d have to include
GONE WITH THE WIND near the top since I read it so young (and so many times).
It was so influential and burned such a vivid picture in my mind. How about
you? One person will win a copy of SENATOR, MINE!
I have a time travel 1Night Stand out, SENATOR, MINE. A second one will release
in June titled DRUID, MINE. Please enjoy the blurb and excerpt:
dream of a romantic tour of Italy shatters when her long-time boyfriend breaks
up with her in Pompeii. Determined to enjoy the once in a lifetime vacation,
she enlists the 1NS service. She continues her trip, stopping to buy a small
golden signet in a mysterious antiquities shop in Rome.
Darius, a
hard-working Senator in Ancient Rome, is puzzled by the Sibyl’s words: You will not find love in your lifetime. Hoping
to find a measure of happiness, he agrees to the Sibyl’s quest. In the olive
grove, he spots Eleanor, a barbarian wearing his stolen senator’s ring.
A night
spent together may be just what they both need to break down the columns of
time that stand between them.
“What is
it?” She moved closer to examine the object he held.
senator’s ring from the time of Augustus.” He waved the item with a flourish.
“A rare and beautiful find, for a deserving young woman.”
The golden
circle sparkled in the half-light like the wedding band that shone in her
dreams. She tried to control her sharp intake of breath.
“A rather
personal memento, wouldn’t you say?”
senator?” Gorgeous. What a find. Was
it legal to take it out of the country? Surely it held historical significance.
“Yes, it
can be exported,” the shopkeeper said. “We don’t know who owned the signet, as
many records of the Senate at that time were lost, but it has been cleared by
the Antiquities Commission.”
She hadn’t
mentioned exporting it aloud. Had he read her mind? No, that wasn’t possible.
She squirmed. Nothing about the shop or its contents felt normal. One thing was
certain. The ring was amazing. And perfect.
“What does
the engraving say?” she asked.
She drew in
a quick breath, as a gasp of warm air breezed across her neck, making the hairs
stand. She shuddered. I’ve been watching
too many old movies.
“As common
as the name was at the time, no senators named Darius are on any rolls.” The
shopkeeper pushed it closer to her face. “And Madame Eve recommends it. What do
you say?”
“How much?”
Eleanor whispered.
“Ah.” The
shopkeeper grinned. “What price would you pay for a little ring that will
change your life forever?”

I think one of my favorite set of books that are historical fiction are Paullina Simmons stories about Tatania and Alexander. It's not very far in the past but I find Russian history completely fascinating. Same with the Romans too. I went to Pompeii and Herculaneum and wandered around thinking - Romans have walked here, pulled their carts along these tracks, died in this place. And all the time, I kept looking at Vesuvious, thinking - don't blow up now!
I don't normally read historical romance. I was big on math, and went to university for Business. It was there I realized that was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. There I took a course on Spanish, French, and German culture and history. It was my favorite course throughout my time there.
Mine is Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. I love the sound of your book, I'm going to Rome soon so it'd sure get me in the mood for my holiday! :)
lucy at lucyfelthouse dot co dot uk
My favourite has to be "Forever Amber" set in a period I know well as History was my second subject at uni (French was my first).
My son has gone one better and is in his final term of a History degree.
Would love to win this book...if I don't I'll buy it anyway!
Hugs xx
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss has to be one of my favorite historical writers (unless, of course, you're allowing me to reach back in time to a point when the historical books were considered contemporary fiction... All Hail Austen, Byron, et al.). But back to Woodiwiss, I absolutely adored So Worthy My Love. Definitely my favorite.
I'm like you in that I absolutely love history. I eat up books set in unusual historical times (and by that I mean, not Regency...not that it isn't good but the market is a little over-saturated and I like something fresh). This looks great and I keep checking your site to see if the cover for Druid, Mine has been unveiled yet. :)
Very nice post. I'd also have to say Gone with the Wind.
will put names in a hat and draw in just a bit--have to get last kid off to school. lol
Congrats, Lucy--you are the winning slip of paper...check your email later for your pdf... :)
thanks, everyone! I appreciate it!
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