How would you like to win a sword necklace? Read on to find out how.
As a reader and an editor, I love reading about strong, kick-ass women. If I read something with a woman who can’t think straight, who falls apart when someone farts sideways, or can’t seem to make a decision without I Thump On Chest He-Man helping her, I’ll toss the story or book aside so fast there’s a trail of fire behind it.
Now that doesn’t mean a heroine shouldn’t have flaws and insecurities. We all do, woman or man. I’m talking about woman who can’t do anything without Thump On Chest He-Man’s opinion. Puh-leeze!
Women have been the strength behind thrones for thousands of centuries. Even if they live in a society where men *think* they own them like a horse or a dog, somehow, someway women figure out how to be the stronger sex—not to mention the smarter sex. Even women in abusive relationships outwit the jerk who’s abusing her. I know because I’ve been there, especially when the relationship involves a child(ren). Somehow, some way a woman will overcome the obstacle.
When Heather Bennett asked me to write the launch book for Decadent’s Elatia line, I decided I’d write a strong yet unique heroine. Oh, she’s not the typical gal who gets in a boxing ring with another woman. Neither is she the type of female who has mutant powers like Storm from the X-Men or even Wonder Woman. Nah, Feather, my heroine, uses years of training, brute strength, and pure intelligence and willpower. Piss her off and you’re liable to find yourself on the pointy end of a sword that has slain many battle beasts.
Feather is also vulnerable. Taught to show no emotion, she suddenly finds herself thrust into a world where emotion and fleshly pleasure overwhelm everything else. It’s like being the new, poor kid tossed into the wealthiest high school in the nation. How do you fit in and is it even possible, especially in matters of love? And when it comes to a love triangle, desire is an understatement.

How to enter? Grab a copy of Forever Across the Stars from Decadent Send an email to bicknellbrown AT sbcglobal DOT net with only your buy/order confirmation pasted in the body of the email and be sure to include your email address.
Buy Forever Across the Stars HERE!
Visit my Azura Ice site at
Hello everyone! The contest for the pendant necklace will run until late Tuesday. One winner will be drawn Tuesday evening and notified via email. Good luck!
I love the name Feather - works perfectly with the heroine you've described. I picked Wren for one of my heroines- she's not a small brown bird - I like the idea of having a name that doesn't fit in many ways with the character's personality.
Congrats on your release!
Thank you, Barbara. Feather got her name by always wearing some sort of bright plumage in her hair.
I love kick-ass women! There need to be more of them in the world. I can't read romances with 'retiring' women.They drive me nuts, and I can never finish them.
Your book sounds fantastic Faith! And the pendant is beautiful.
Hi JM! Thanks for visiting and reading. It's nice to chat here. AT the moment I'm in the dr. Office with the youngest who woke up really sick. I'm ready to kick ass on the staff if they don't get busy and call him in. Been sitting here going on an hour now.
Love the sound of this book already, and I'm looking forward to reading it. :)
I move the premise of your book. Sounds wonderful. I'll have to buy it next pay day.
Thank you Jessica and Janice!
This is one of my fave covers! Love the colours, the vibe it gives ... superb!
Feather sounds amazing. Can't wait to read about her.
The artist really out did herself. Also, the female model shocked me because that is exactly what I see when I imagine Feather.
A warrior named "Feather"--love the contrast. Congratulations on launching the line!
Thanks on both notes, YK!
you know, i don't think i've ever read a book with a heroine of that name. so pretty! what's weird and coincidental, was i was watching restaurant impossible last night and the lady who owned the restaurant was named feather. so it must fate! lol. thanks for the contest.
freckles82012 at gmail DOTcom
LOL, I never dreamed the heroine's name would get so much attention. :-)
I got this on release day, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. Congrats on the new release.
Winner of the pendant necklace is Patricia Wheeler.
A big thank you goes out to everyone who commented and who entered the contest!
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