by Jessica E. Subject

Not too long ago—yes, as an adult—I was terrified of aliens, literally paranoid they were stalking me, waiting to abduct me. Seriously. I lived out in the country then, surrounded by corn fields, and had watched Signs only once. I have not seen it since.
A few years passed, and I was on maternity leave with my son. My daughter was struggling with learning how to read. That’s when I sat down to pen my first story. And it was a science fiction romance, about aliens. Since then, I’ve written several SFR stories, with one (Celestial Seduction) published and several more contracted. I’m not afraid anymore. LOL
This holiday season, I thought I’d spread the word about this sub-genre and share my love for it. I’ve invited several SFR authors to my blog this month to share bits and pieces about themselves and their stories.
Learn what your favorite SFR characters do over the holidays, read some exclusive short stories, and catch excerpts from some awesome books! Oh, and there might be some yummy recipes and fabulous prizes as well.
Here is a list of participants:
So, stop by to open your eyes to new worlds, new civilizations, and some delicious food.
Jessica Subject started writing to encourage her daughter to read. Now she writes to keep herself grounded. Although she reads many genres, she enjoys writing Science Fiction Romance the most and believes everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. She lives Southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids and loves to hear from anyone who has enjoyed her stories.
**Visit Decadent Publishing and tell me which
SciFi Romance you would like to read for your chance to win it!
I've always loved science fiction. As a young girl, I saw Star Wars on the big screen and was carried away into the world. As I grew older, I wanted more romance in the genre and rarely found it. I started writing in High School, joined the Army and stopped for a few years. It wasn't until seven years ago I picked it up, and science fiction romance was my genre of choice. For those that have never read the genre, I highly encourage you to give it a try--it's not your daddy's sci fi, we've come a long way, baby.
Thanks for running the Light up the Holidays, Jessica. And I enjoyed the post. It's nice to know where other authors got their starts in the genre.
I love love love me some SciFi! In the third grade my Dad took me to see Dune and I was hooked. Yes, as an adult I realize that movie isn't all that good, but as a kid I was enthralled by the epic storyline, the awesome costumes, everything about it was so cool! Good SciFi is very similar to good paranormal romance, just replace magic with science. ;) Thanks for posting!
Conquering Venus has always caught my eye. Love the cover and the blurb sounds great. :)
Living near a cornfield while watching Signs? *shudders* That'd creep me out too! Loved Celestial Seduction, Jess.
Um, yea. Sci-fi still scares the scrap out of me. But I still watch and read it LOL.
Loved Celestial Seduction!
So glad you got over your fears!!! LOL!
Aliens are scary! lol. Glad you've overcome your fears!
Hi Jessica – I’m so enjoying your Light up the holidays with SFR blog posts!
I love the idea of alien encounters and always have. I grew up believing in the prospect of space travel. So I didn't get the negative precept of aliens that the media sometimes encourages. When I started writing it was natural for me to write SF. The romantic aspect was just there too. I write SFR because it is truly my favorite, and the best subgenre for me to explore.
Sci-fi has always been one of my favorite genres, and I've been fascinated with aliens and space opera ever since falling in love with both STAR TREK and STAR WARS back when I was a child.
SFR is such a great genre because it combines so many great elements. Lots of great authors too.... ;-)
The Alien series and The Terminator series are my favorite sci-fi movies.
I have a couple sci-fi stories on my wish list. One at the top is This Endris Night by DL.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
@DL - I've always loved scifi, too, but something about signs really freaked me out, and aliens stopped being the friendly creatures from Star Wars and Star Trek to those wanting to take over the planet. It took writing about aliens to change my mindset back. After all, my favorite alien has always been Superman. :)
@Ann - Dune is one I've never read or seen, but I'm going to have to. So many people have recommended that story to me. Yes, that is an awesome cover. :)
@Jennifer - Yes, I don't think I would have had the same reaction had I lived in the city at the time. Thanks! :)
@Carrie Ann - There is still some scifi I refuse to watch, but it's usually that without any romance involved. LOL Thanks! :)
@Alexa - Me too! And I'm really happy with what came out of it.
@Clarissa - Those that are coming to take over the earth are. Not the ones I write about though. :)
@Kaye - I've been influenced by both sides, but when I started writing, SFR seemed to come naturally. The romance aspect is very important to me. :)
@Lisa - Still watch Star Wars, and anxious to see what they bring out next with Star Trek. I remember watching TNG as a kid and being very excited when Voyager came out. I couldn't imagine space without some romance. :)
@Cathy - Actually watched The Terminator the other day. DL's books are awesome! Loved This Endris Night. :)
I never consider myself a big fan of sci-fi, but when I really llok at my tv/movie viewing and reading list, I can't really deny it. I've watched every StarTrek episodes NUMEROUS times, Next Generation, Deep Space 9, every ST movie, the original Star Wars series and one or two of the new ones (couldn't bear to watch the last one) etc., etc. My reading list is just as long with Gini Koch's Alien Proliferation next on the list.
I consider myself safe from geekdom in that I didn't memorize the Klingon dictionary a brother gave me for Christmas.
I love this genre! sci-fi rocks!! I was the same about zombies! LOL I watched twenty eight days later and it scared me so much, i had nightmares for weeks!!! And lately i have written a zombie book of my own! LOL I am no longer scared either.
Wonderful post. Love writing and reading in this particular genre, also. It's also one of my faves to watch at the movies or on TV. Miss Stargate but the reruns are still cool. Thanks for posting.
Wow, there were several sci-fi romance books that interested me. Besides Celestial Seduction, I would like to read The Abinthe series, with Absinthe Forever (book 1) and Absinthe Flames (book 2).
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I've got big love for sci-fi, romance and the delicious combination of both. Looks like I'm in good company here!
I've already purchased celestial Seduction, so I'd like your choice of SFR should I win.
Love this post, you're making a great example for your daughter :) And what an exciting way for her to learn!
Oh! Almost forgot I enjoy scifi too, my love is the new Battlestar Galactica-I still miss it.
Great post Jessica! I love Sci-fi, it's not my strength in writing so I admire your spirit in weaving this amazing tale. My daughter is so pleased with Mommy being a writer, that she has devised her own pen name "Clover Willows" and we are working on a children's book together! You never know, you may go down the same path! lol. Congrats, love the blurb, love your post and LOVE the cover! Happy writing, Kali
@Anne - Yes, most people don't realize how many movies they watch are SF and SFR. I LOVE Gini Koch's series, and my copy of AP is on it's way. :)
@Kerrianne - See, writing can be therapeutic. I'm glad you go over your fear, too. Hip bump! :)
@Ciara - I don't watch a lot of tv, but I do catch a lot of SFR movies with many still on my 'to watch' list. Thanks! :)
@booklover0226 - Thanks for stopping by! Happy to add more books to your TBR list. ;)
@Diane - Yes, welcome aboard! I look forward to seeing your books among the selection. :) Thanks so much!
@Olivia - Thanks! She loves to read now and is reading above grade level. Working on the Harry Potter series now. :)
@Kali - Thanks! That is so cute. :) My daughter wants me to write the book and she's going to draw the pictures. She's already a better artist than me. LOL
Congratulations to Tracey D (booklover0226)!! You win your choice of a science fiction romance book from Decadent Publishing. I will be in contact with you regarding your prize.
Thank you all for stopping by and leaving your comments! I appreciate your support! :)
I'm a little late to the party, but thanks so much for your wonderful event!
Count me in as a viewer who was totally spooked by the tv scene in SIGNS. *shivers*
As I have not heard from Tracey D, I have drawn a new winner. Congrats to Diane Dooley. I will be in contact with you. :)
Thanks Heather!
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