On this pre-Thanksgiving weekend, some asshole stole my husband’s identity and gained access to our checking account on the very day we both got paid. With thousands missing from our bank account, I really need to express my thanks for a gift my parents gave me that really helps divert my attention from this financial nightmare.
While I haven’t had a terribly difficult life, I did not grow up in the lap of luxury, either. As latchkey kids of blue-collar parents with paychecks stretched to their limits every month, my sisters and I know what it is like to wear the same pair of pants every day, to do our laundry at the local Laundromat every Sunday, or to wash our hair in the sink because the hot water heater has been broken for months. We couldn’t afford a TV or air conditioning or a car with a complete floorboard, but our parents gave us more reading enrichment than even the priciest reading program could possibly provide: they read to us.
All my life, I’ve read to escape stress. A love for reading got me through arguments with friends, my parents’ divorce, my first heartbreak, college term papers, my interminable pregnancy bed rest requirement, and now, serious frustration with our bank. Reading helps me relax and soothes me in a way nothing else can, and I thank both of my parents for instilling in me a passion for books that can help me get me through anything.
For me, reading with my parents created lasting memories that bonded us and instilled a lifelong passion for reading that can never be taken away. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of my mother reading to my sisters and me at bedtime. We would all pile into my parents’ bed (their room was the only one with window-unit AC) and surround ourselves with library books. I don’t know how many books she read each night, but I never remember Mom saying “no” or “last one” when her daughters requested more stories. She read with tireless enthusiasm, even though she worked full-time and must have been exhausted by the end of the day.
While my mom read us adventure stories and fairy tales, my dad gave us humor and poetry. When I was a little girl, my dad could do no wrong. He loved to read, particularly books about the Civil War, and took us to the public library regularly. My dad was also great with sound effects. He would cackle like a witch while my mom read us the story of Baba Yaga or talk like the duck when she read The Ugly Duckling.
So thanks, Mom, for sharing Pippi Longstocking, Hansel and Gretel, The Black Stallion, and Dr. Seuss with us. I couldn’t tell back then, but I now understand that you had to be tired after a long day of life insurance paperwork and cleaning up after three energetic little girls. Though you were never a big reader yourself, our reading time with you was priceless and lasting.
And thanks, Dad, for integrating classic poems into everyday conversation, long before I ever even heard about them in school. For teaching me how to make a story come alive for your grandchildren through crazy voices and sound effects. I still think you hung the moon, and I still sniffle every time I hear about sickly little Annabel Lee and her fairytale “kingdom by the sea.”
"For that rare and radiant maiden whom the angels call Lenore..."
Sorry to hear about the identity snafu. Sigh. Hope it all gets better!
I can remember boiling water to take a bath when the hot water heater broke.
Loved this post! It is filled with gratitude and love!
Hope all goes well!
What a great post. So sorry to hear about the theft - hope that's sorted out soon but I loved reading about you and your family reading.
I love this post. A LOT! I had reading, as well, and it took me all over the world. I time-traveled and space-traveled and hung out with talking animals, I learned how girls lived on the prairie and in the jungle.
AMAZING, the power of a book!
Thank you for all the supportive comments! Just an update--the bank restored our missing money within a couple of days and sent the incident to investigations. We received our new checks yesterday, and I am working on memorizing the new account number. Kudos to Wells-Fargo for handling it quickly and professionally! It was very frustrating there for a couple of days, but it really could have been so much worse.
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