It’s Thursday here on Daily Dose of Decadence, the day Decadent writers share what we’re thirsty for, thankful for and thoughtful about. Here goes . . .

Most bang ups in life aren’t that dramatic. It’s getting to the grocery store right when they’re locking up, or finding out that e-mail you just sent—oops—wrong person, or your kid comes home and lets you know that the school project you thought was due next week is due tomorrow. When these moments happen, we all have someone we turn to, whether it’s a quick phone call, a few words in a text message or an email to someone who you know will listen. And mostly, we walk away feeling all fixed up. So today, I’m thankful to the Fixer Uppers in life. You do a bang up job!
Thoughtful. Not even a hundred years ago, two pieces of technology that dominate our lives were just ideas waiting to happen. The first public demonstration of television was in 1935 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Folks lined up for blocks to see it. A camera (yes, just one) was near the door. As people went in, they saw themselves on the nearby “receiver,” which was the bottom of a ten gallon jug. Today we have flat screen televisions that look like windows on a few hundred different realities. In the 1870’s, two inventors, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell, designed new-fangled things that could transmit voice electrically. Mr. Bell made it to the patent office first. Today we have cell phones that do everything but wash the car. So, I’ve been thinking. What’s the next great idea? Where do you think it’ll come from? How do you think it’ll change our lives?

I’m Ryssa Edwards, and my new book Dreaming of a Kiss is coming out soon with Decadent Publishing. You can read a preview here.
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There was a news article on TV today about how mobile phones are a social curse. Families sitting using them while they're eating, while they're on holiday, they never leave home without them, never leave a room without them and yes - they can turn on lights in their home from miles away, they might save your life if you're kidnapped and the police can check your location, - well not mine because I forget to turn it on and forget to charge. - have to hope I'm never kidnapped.
Well, Cowboys and Aliens was a total hoot. Great hot afternoon movie. And Crazy Stupid Love was brilliant.
Next invention? Man, can't wrap my head around that one just yet. I'll think about it...after coffee... Hmmm, maybe it should involve coffee...
Friends with Benefits was fun and the actors are both hot.
My daughter's friends were on a dock that tipped and dumped them all in the lake - phones in their pockets. It made them all crazy to wait for the phones to dry.Most of them just went and bought new ones rather than be patient while the bag of rice did it's job for a few days. Crazy.
Dreaming of a Kiss sounds yummy. Weres and M/M nice combo.
I just downloaded a copy of the 1933 version of King Kong for research on my WIP. I know, that's just weird. But it's really funny to watch. And Orville Reddenbacher joined me. Love his bow tie.
Excellent post!!
My kids are hoping that in the future, we'll have hover cars. LOL
I think eventually we'll have holo projection TV's. Personally I would love to be able to transport myself anywhere at any time. YOu know, like they do in Star Trek. I hate flying. LOL (Yeah, I know it can't happen but I can dream) LOL
Barbara. . . I have to hope I’m never kidnapped either because when I *do* remember to carry around my cell phone, it’s usually not charged! Thanks for stopping by
Maureen . . I heard Cowboys and Aliens was good. I’ll have to add it to my TBS (To Be Seen) list. When you get that coffee invention going. . RUN to the patent office!
Becca . . . whaaattt? Seconds without a cell phone? Poor things must have been losing their minds over their phones, which kept their minds off dropping off a pier . . . Thanks for stopping by!
Valerie . . King Kong from 1933? No kidding. That sounds awesome! I’m sure Reddenbacher is honored.
Shiela. . bring on the hover cars that transport you out of rush hour traffic in the sky! Thanks for stopping by!
Ryssa - Congrats on the new release fellow Decadent Author and fellow North Texan. Yes - took the kids to the water park today and it was literally 110 degrees in the shade.
Casea. . . no kidding! It's so hot. . . you could write a romance novel on the pavement. . . stay cool. And thanks for stopping by!
DYING to see Cowboys and Aliens.
There was a cheap theatre in Bakersfield when we lived there, $2 for any age. It was fab. We have one 30mins away that is about $4. Still easier to take that hit than the $10-16 at the regular theatre! We save those excursions for 'special' movies like Transformers 3D or an IMAX experience once in a great while.
I don't leave without my phone. But I am not OCD about it. I DO like being able to check my email when I'm on vacation or out to eat.
Wait. WHAT?!
Ok, I hate cell phones.
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