by LC Dean
LC Dean: I passed the opportunity for a blog spot on to two of my favorite men. They’re visiting with me on Skype from Las Vegas and I’m sending the video transcript directly to Decadent. Since they are used to a pretty laidback work environment, I should probably comment now and then to keep them on task, but I trust them explicitly…almost.
Jag (grins): Thanks for the vote of confidence. I have to say, when LC first told us that the adorable and somewhat devilish Decadent Publishing blog maven asked if we wanted to do 3-way on Thursday. I instantly thought, “Heck yeah!”
Daniel (chuckling): He thinks I’m the gullible one. When Val dropped the bomb that it was just a blog, I swear he pouted, but then she shot us that grin of hers and we forgave her.
Jag (Leaning close to bump his shoulder against the large man’s arm): Like you weren’t disappointed. Of course, now that we have met her tall, handsome husband, we will keep a respectful distance no matter how tempting her smile is. Madame Eve also called to warn me that Decadent is a good source of inspiration so Daniel and I had better be good.
Daniel: So, then I guess we should get to it. Let’s start with Thankful. I am thankful for Madame Eve and her invaluable service, which brought me to Grand Turk…and you.
Jag: There’s the grin I love. No, don’t get all shy, mi montaña. I’m thankful to Eve as well. (Lacing his fingers through Daniel’s, he smiles.) She gave me an unexpected gift that I have no desire to ever return.
Daniel (Studying the keyboard in front of him before looking up at the camera
again): All right, on to thoughtful. Several things hold my thoughts these days, but my biggest focus, since leaving Georgia, is working with men and women trapped in an abusive relationship. Being with Jagger has taught me that there’s a huge difference between leaning on someone who loves and cares about you and being in a violent environment.

Jag: It took a great deal of courage to walk away, Daniel. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you and all that you do. I’m much more selfish than my partner. My thoughts are pretty much consumed by work and him these days.
Daniel: That’s not true. You have been very helpful with all of this.
Jag: But for a selfish reason—making you happy pleases me. You, a fine Cuban cigar, and a good glass of Scotch.
Daniel: You’ll have to refrain while we’re visiting Jackson and Leah. Cuban cigars are illegal here in the US.
Jag: Fortunately, neither of my other favorites are.
Daniel (shakes his head): Not sure what I should say to that so I’ll move on to thirsty. Jag already told you what he’s thirsting for—
Daniel: Which I am. So Jag likes Scotch, ten-year Glenmorangie to be exact, but I come from the South. I really miss sweet tea.
Jag: I don’t know how you can call that syrup you drink, tea.
Daniel: It’s delicious. I hear some Decadent authors and staff members have embraced a fondness for the term “mean tea” thanks to Dominique Eastwick, but I still prefer sweetness.
Jag: Me too. I’ll take a tall, dark swig of pure sweetness any day.
Daniel: Why do I get the feeling that you’re done being literal?
Jag (winks): Because you satisfy all my 3-way desires—you make me thankful, keep me thoughtful, and satisfy my deepest thirsts, mi montaña.
LC Dean: Jagger? Daniel? Well, I guess the interview’s over since it appears they have left the room. Thanks for letting the guys hang with you all. They usually have better manners, but they are in Sin City so…I guess they’re a little…distracted.
That was fun!!
Love it! It's so fun getting to know characters better. :)
You know how well I know your guys, but I still picked up some new info! Congrats on your story, LC, it's your best yet!
Oh and now I have to try that scotch!
I enjoyed the interview with Daniel and Jag! They did a great job!
Great interview. I could kept reading about them all day!
Jagger: Good morning, everyone, and thanks for dropping by. Let me know when you're ready for a glass of Scotch, Kate, and I'll fly to LA and lift one with you.
It's almost 9:30 here in Vegas. Just got back to the room after coffee with my brother and his darling wife Leah, and a little gambling of course. Jackson's slot machines are pretty loose so I am up about five hundred. It is starting out to be a good day.
Daniel's still sleeping. He was too wound up last night to rest though I tried my best to help him relax. I need to take that man out more often. Crowds freak him out a bit. He is used to our quiet island and before that a small town in GA, so lots of people in small places make him tense.
Hope you all have a great day and I will pop back later. Must go wake my partner or he'll miss all the fun. Bye for now.
Good to get to know you two a bit. Hubby and I want to take a trip to Grand Turk soon. The Castillo resort there sounds fabulous. I want to drop by Jackson's place in Vegas too especially if the slots pay well. ;-D
Congrats on the release of Mountain Claiming, L.C. Jagger and Daniel's story is uplifting and hot. Don't you agree, guys?
Daniel: I see Jagger is telling all my secrets. He didn't mention that he would have still been in bed if Jackson hadn't called at the butt crack of dawn to get him up to go for a run.
Vegas is amazing. It is hot but it is a "dry heat," unlike GA. I have spent the day being a bum. Leah spoiled me with a delicious lobster salad lunch and then she and I have done nothing but lounge by the grotto pool while Jag and his brother talk shop. I am sending this via my phone as I am too lazy to go get my laptop.
Yes, Becca, I agree that L.C. did a good job of staying true to our story. If you make it to Grand Turk let us know and we will take special care of you.
The waiter just brought us an amazing drink made with coconut water, pineapple juice, and Malibu rum. Light and refreshing it beats the heck out of Jag's scotch any day.
Hope you are all having as nice a day as I am. Leah says to tell you all hi.
Raising a glass of pina colada to you, Daniel! I am sipping, as well.
Loved your story the first time El sent it to me. If you stop to see Kate, you can definitely swing by my place on the way home. We live close-ish. :-)
This story is so lush, to heartfelt. Just a yummy read.
Decadent Publishing
p.s. Thanks again, Eve, for the hook up with these two.
Hey LC NIce to meet your fellas :) That was a great interview or gab session to get to know them.
LC: Thanks all for your kindness. I am glad you like the guys. It was a great experience to tell their story. They are actually on line with me now. I'll ask them if they have anything they want to add.
Jagger: Hey everyone, we were just about to head down the strip for a while. Daniel wants to watch the pirate ship sink and the dancing fountain. We also have tickets for CIRQUE DU SOLEIL later.
Daniel: He always does that—blames me for wanting to see the cheesy stuff, but he's the one that brought up the pirate ship and the fountain. Jag is way more sentimental than he would have you believe.
Jagger: Hey, you're ruining my rep. L.C. don't share that part.
L.C. Too late. Sorry, Jagger. Everyone already knows what a soft heart you have under all that Cuban machismo.
Daniel: Yep, that’s why I love the guy.
Jagger: Whoa, you love me?
Daniel: Did I say that?
Jagger: Si…Te amo tambien, mi montaña.
L.C.: Guys? Hello…Yoo-hoo? Oops, lost them again. Sorry about that. Must be a faulty connection. Also, Spanish is not my forte so I apologize if I got the translation wrong. Thanks everybody for stopping by today. I hope to talk to you all soon. Good night.
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