---I'm THOUGHTFUL about the impetus of this book. The WW2 generation is one like this country had never seen and will never see again. My father may have gone through some of the same war-time emotions as my 'hero,' Ryan Davison. Yet, that generation always seemed to 'move on' without any thought or worry of their past. Which makes me thoughtfully thankful for all those in uniform, in our armed forces, those who wear a badge, carry a fire axe or respond to emergencies - without them, we couldn't live without worry. THANKS to all our brave men and women!
---And, I am THIRSTY for...
...peace and quiet (both physically and cognitively), but if I can't have that, the following will do:
---One properly tapped Belhaven at Duke of Devon in Sheboygan, WI
---An ice-cold Irn-Bru sipped while watching the tide in Anstruther, Scotland
---A two-litre stein of Warsteiner at Oktoberfest in Munich
---My third Kir Royale at Martin's in Key West, Florida
---A flute of Bastianch Brut in the wine room at ESCA in NYC
---and just one more Pabst, Red White & Blue, Kingsbury or Hamm's with my parents in our back yard on a warm July day.
You can escape life, but never escape love.
See the trailer here!Wendy blogs regularly for a Daily Dose of Decadence. She seems to have been writing all her life, whether for pleasure or business in radio, TV and print. The ‘people in her head’ are thrilled she is part of Decadent Publishing as they’ve been wanting to ‘get out’ for the longest time! When not writing, Wendy is a TV newsroom assignment manager (which actually
includes more writing!) She lives with her chef husband and two furry feline children in the Great Lakes Midwest. You can find her at Whatever Wendy!, on Facebook - Wendy Burke Author and on Twitter - @WendyBurke1994. Or drop her an email: wendyburke1994@bex.net.
Sounds you need an long visit from the Beer Fairy!
And I am so happy that you FINALLY will have your dream on Friday, Wen. It took awhile, but hopefully it is worth it because you have a great story.
Congratulations! I'm sure this will be one of many!
Great blog, Wendy
Thanks everyone! It's on sale, now! That's just too darn weird! :)
Congrats, Wendy!! So glad to here Respite is released! Another great Decadent title to add to my summer reading list.
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