By Leslie Soule
Thankful: I’d like to thank the person who dressed up as a werewolf at the RT Convention. Whoever you are, please know that you made my RT experience more enjoyable. I’d like to think it was one of the Mr. Romance contestants hidden under all that fur. I first saw you in the hallway in front of Club RT, and though I tried to act casual, well…you were a werewolf standing there in the hallway of the Westin Bonaventure. And you growled at me, and I growled back. Rawr, you big sexy beast!

Thirsty: I love tea. I love it so much that I’ve hooked up an electric burner in my bedroom and have a kettle on it, so I can have tea going whenever I want. I love tea so much that I wanted to create a special kind for Fallenwood – rakeih (pronounced raka). I wrote it as a “frothy berry drink”, though it is really more like a berry tisane. Anything tea-like that does not actually include the tea leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, is actually a tisane. Thus, mint teas and chamomile teas are not “tea” technically – they are tisanes. I am always thirsty to try new teas! So if anyone has any suggestions, please send them my way!
I so regret not cornering Robert in the bar at some point and talking to him!
I'm so pleased I cornered Leslie for a drink at the bar! :D Cheers, Leslie! Clink!
LOL Yes, the werewolf dude was a Mr Romance contestant, for sure :) I agree, that is definitely a nice thought!
And, ahhhh, TEA! YUM I need not say any more hehe
Have you tried ?
Hey there Maureen! Yeah, Robert was absolutely fascinating! He got me thinking about SO many things.
And Deena, *clink* I'm glad I got a chance to grab a drink with you!!!
And Joanne, thanks - we have a Teavana store in one of our malls here in Sac, but I haven't checked out the website. I'll have to do that. :)
It was so cool to pose with the friendly werewolf at RT. He was a gentleman.
As for tea, one of my favorites is Vanilla Chai.
Leslie, definitely check out that Teavana store. I've been there and it's amazing. Have them show you around the teas. I wish I was there to grab a cuppa with you!
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