The journey as a writer all began when I was a teen and wrote poetry, which still to this day I pull out to have a good laugh. Later on, I tried a couple of times to put a book together with no such luck. Couldn’t ever get past the first few chapters. But once I was exposed to the paranormal world, ideas came quickly.
At first, it was a way to keep my brain alive since being a stay at home mom can be a little let’s say―numbing. It was an escape from screaming kids, dirty diapers and plain old mom duty. It started as a hobby, but as the stories progressed, it became a passion. Now, I indulge at naptime, especially the juicy bits! Every mom needs a good thrill!
Do you use a pen name? If so, how did you come up with it?
Nope, Stacey Kennedy is my real name. I know many authors use a pen name for privacy, but for me it was just too weird. I hated the idea of someone calling me a name that wasn’t my own. Every time I tried to come up with something, it ended up sounding like some ridiculous porn name. So, I gave up trying to think of a name and just kept my own plain name.
How do you describe your writing style?
Fast paced! As a reader, I love getting inside a character’s mind, reading dialogue, action, but I hate the down time and usually skip those parts. So as a writer, I tend to not bog down my stories with boring detail. Expect lots of action, sweet moments and spicy sex. There are always Alpha men, strong but sensitive women, and lots of danger with a little mystery involved.
Plotter or Pantser? Why?
Panster all the way. It’s the only way I can write. I never sit down and plan a story, I just start typing and let the story take me away. When I plot I always end up changing it anyway so it’s pointless. Usually, halfway through the story, I know what steps I have to take to reach the end, but up to that point, I have no plan whatsoever.
Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
YES! I can’t live without my critique partner. I wouldn’t be where I am without her. She strengthens my stories and points things out that are impossible for me to see since I’m too involved. I’ve only recently started using beta readers, and I think I should have used them a long time ago. The more sets of eyes that hits the story before I submit can only improve the manuscript.
I found out one interesting fact when writing A Deadly Whisper – The Watchers Book One, and it was so funny that I had to include it in my story.
Did you know donkeys kill more people every year than airplane accidents?
Okay, so not saying it’s funny that people are dying—but the stat shocked me! Who knew donkeys were so dangerous!
Does your significant other read your stuff?
Not likely. My hubby doesn’t read. Well, he can read, but he chooses not to! He’d rather have a tooth pulled then sit down and read a book. But that’s not saying, he doesn’t mind one bit when I read him a little excerpt from one of my erotic works. He is a man after all!!
Who is your favorite author?
Katie MacAlister! I love her! Her dragon series is my all-time favorite. The humor, the danger, the hunky men—yup, it’s right up my alley.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Thank you! I’m so grateful for my loyal readers. There is no better feeling in the world than receiving a splendid review, or getting a gushing reader email. I love to hear from my readers and am always chatting it up on Facebook or Twitter not only about my books, but all books. What can I say I love stories!

I have my first release with Decadent Publishing coming out sometime in April. It’s part of the 1NightStand line and was also my first time writing a BDSM erotic romance. Here is a bit about it:
Josie Harper had boyfriends, lovers, and even friends with benefits. None of them could satisfy her. Something had always been missing—something she was now desperate to find.
Gavin Scott longed for the perfect submissive. A woman worthy of the gift he could give to her as a Dom. Most failed to meet his expectations and he’d all but given up hope.
A high class match-maker in Las Vegas brings Josie and Gavin together. Tonight, Gavin will introduce Josie to the world of BDSM. As he skillfully guides her through the experience, Josie isn’t the only one captivated. Gavin is in awe of her control, someone this new to the lifestyle shouldn’t possess this great of a talent.
During their journey, Josie will find the missing piece of her soul and Gavin will meet the woman who was born to submit to him.
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Welcome to Decadent Stacy. Love your writing.
Sounds like a very nice story. I will keep my eye out for it!
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