Friday, March 11, 2011

Just the Facts Friday with Nina Croft

1. In my twenties, I worked as a volunteer in Africa for four years – it left me with a love of the sun and a dislike of proper employment.

2. I have three dogs, three cats, a horse, two goats, and six chickens. Oh, and a husband.

3. My house has no mains electricity. I hate housework, and this gives me the perfect excuse never to iron.

4. I can’t sing. I use this as a means of controlling my horse – if she misbehaves, I sing to her until she stops. Luckily, I live in a very unpopulated area.

5. My house is very remote. The nearest book shop is a long, long way away, which makes impulse shopping difficult, or it did before I bought my kindle. I love my kindle.

6. I once watched three whole seasons of 24 in five days. I hadn’t seen a TV in a while!

7. I have a degree in Marine Biology and Ecology – I know a lot about the life cycle of the prawn.

8. I drink way too much red wine. We have a small vineyard, just an acre. The first couple of years we lived here we made wine, about 500 liters. And we drank it. So now, we don’t make it any more.


Maureen said...

Makes sense to me! This is why I don't raise dairy cows. I'd be forced to make ice cream. And then I'd eat it.


Nina Croft said...

Aww - Maureen I want a dairy cow - I need ice cream!!!

Silke Juppenlatz said...

Life cycle of the prawn. ROFL!!
I needed a laugh this morning, thank you!

Nina Croft said...

Silke - I also learned the best way to get a barnacle off a rock - you have to creep up on them! Very useful course!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Ah, see I did learn some NEW facts about you!
I might have to pump you for info on the winemaking.

Nina Croft said...

It's so easy, Jennifer. You have to make sure things are pretty sterile, but otherwise, it's a matter of squashing the grapes, squeezing them and then just leaving leaving it to do it's stuff.Thirty days later...

Moira said...

I always wanted to be a Marine Biologist....oh you meant Marine as in ocean. I thought well, you know what I was thinking. Ooh-Rah!

Always nice to learn more about you girl!

Nina Croft said...

Moira - you have a smutty mind, girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow Nina, you lead a pioneer life. Where do you live now? You sound really in touch with life. I love your sense of humor about singing and making wine. I mean, you make it, then you drink it, then you think, maybe I shouldn't make it anymore. Uh huh?

Lovely blog, enjoyed getting to know you better.

Love and blessings


Maureen said...

Nina - You have to sneak up on barnacles? What, they are fast? Wait, I suppose they are with all the frondsy stuff... ;-)

Clarissa Yip said...

You never cease to amaze me. And does Rob know you grouped him with your pets? lol.

P. Kirby said...

Singing as a means of equine discipline? I haven't tried that yet.

Next time Professor Snottypants gets belligerent, I'll serenade him with my version of some 80s pop hit.

Nina Croft said...

Rita - I live in the mountains in southern Spain, between the Sierra Nevada and the Mediterranean. It is a gorgeous area, but probably as close as you can get to pioneering country in Europe.

Maureen - it's not that they're fast, it's that they clamp down on the rocks if they hear you coming, and then you can't get them off (not that your average person would even want to!)

Clarissa - yes Rob is quite aware of where he comes in the pecking order - the top of course (that's just in case he's peering over my shoulder)

P.Kirby - it probably wouldn't work for you - you have to be really, really bad!

Gina Ardito said...

Sounds like the perfect background for a romance heroine!

Abigail-Madison Chase said...

Your life sounds wonderful. no electricity, miles away from The volunteer work in Africa

Dawn Brown said...

A degree in Marine Biology and Ecology? I'm very impressed. Oh, and I envy the remoteness of your house.

kathleen said...

Sounds like your way of life keeps you busy. It must be beautiful in Spain! I can understand where you get your inspiration from.

Nina Croft said...

Gina - maybe, but unfortunately there's not too many heroes floating about and I've got the only one in the area (that's just in case he's peeking again!)

Most of the time it's wonderful, Abigail, then sometimes it's... (mainly when you get one of those urges for something and you know the nearest source is over an hour away!

Dawn - sometimes remoteness is good, sometimes it's just a long way from chocolate.

It can be very inspiring, Kathleen. Sometimes if I'm stuck, I'll take a bottle of wine, go sit somewhere, and just stare at the mountains. Sometimes I'm inspired, sometimes I fall asleep!