Monday, March 7, 2011

HEY YOU...playlist, that is...

Wow, talk about inspiration! How many authors can say that the title of their book corresponds with the title of a rock song?  And the band even gave permission?

Music is a huge part of my life and flows into my writing. I have a playlist for every single book I've ever written and burn a CD of the songs to listen to on my commute to work. This is my playlist for Hey You.

Run Devil Run
at the Roxy 12/4/2010

Not making fun of the band because they rocked it, but the crowd singing along cracked me up. Run Devil Run sure does inspire the fans!

Outside (Staind) ~ The demon Watcher, Marek, knows he'll be on the outside, looking in...forever.
It's Not You (Halestorm) ~ What Cara keeps telling herself when she's trying to ignore her growing feelings for her demon. "I don't see your name on my tattoo"...gosh, Cara! That's gonna hurt his feelings!

It's Been Awhile (Staind) ~ "It's been awhile since I could hold my head up high". Poor, tortured Marek...he never feels like he's deserving of anything, including Cara's love. 

Ashes to Ashes (Faith No More) ~ just a really dark, brooding song. And except for the short hair, the lead singer in the video is pretty much my vision for the demon, Marek.

Terrible Lie (Nine Inch Nails) ~ "Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams".  Since the only way Cara and Marek can truly communicate is in her dreams, she begins to welcome sleep so she can be with him.

Addicted (Saving Abel) ~ "It's unlike anything when you're loving me"...what girl doesn't like to hear those words?

Over and Over (Three Days Grace) ~ "I know what's best for me, but I want you instead".  Pretty much sums up how Cara feels and how Marek wants her to feel. Oh, the angst. 

Love Hurts (Incubus) ~ "Love hurts, but sometimes it's a good hurt, and it feels like I'm alive".  Marek needs all the help he can get to feel alive. Just sayin'

Sound of Madness (Shinedown) ~ "I wrote the book on madness. Wrote the book on pain. The darkest hour never comes in the night.  When you gonna wake up and fight?"  I'll take What the Nocent says to Marek for $100,  Alex.

Acts of Man (Midlake) ~ "Great are the sounds of all that live. And all that man can hold".  Poor Marek really misses his mortality.

I'm Alive  (Kenny Chesney/Dave Matthews) ~ "Breathing in and out's a blessing, can't you see. Today's the first day of the rest of my life".  *SPOILER* Pretty sure both Cara and Marek are thinking this when Marek returns to her after sacrificing his soul to save hers.

Life is Beautiful (Sixx AM) ~ "Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful"

The end.

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Maureen said...

Very cool, Val! I can't wait to see the guys live!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the book and have fun at RT.

Love and blessings

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was at that show right in front of your man, Jackie. Like, within sweat-flinging distance (not to make you crazy with jealousy or anything, Val). AWESOME show.

This band is gonna ROCK the Viper Room April 5 (special package for RT attendees!) and I can't wait for you all to see them play.

Deena said...

If I'm not mistaken, most of these songs are heavy rock or metal, right? I'm not familiar witht eh songs themselves, but a few of the bands. Valerie, I've learned something very interesting about you today. You rock hard! :)

Seleste deLaney/Julie Particka said...

I love the commentary on the songs and can't wait to see the band at the Viper Room! :)

JM said...

I loved the correlation of the songs with the parts of your book. If I listen to music, I find I have certain songs I need to listen to as well. Just barely loud enough to hear them.
I already have a flavor for the book before I've even read it. Great playlist.
Can't wait to see them in person!

Kathleen said...

I think having a playlist to create the mood for each scene makes the story rich and compelling. Great job, Valerie! You rock!

Robert C Roman said...

You really got me with song 14. :-)

Nice list!

Valerie Mann said...

Thanks you guys for coming to visit. Yes, I like my songs on the harder, edgy side. Not sure what that says about me, but there it is! And yes, Robert, that's one of my favorite songs, too!