Saturday, February 19, 2011

Maureen Betita Shows Off her Kraken Best!

Kraken! Oh, God! I love a good kraken. I love a bad kraken! I love ‘em all!

Rum! Oh, Black Kraken Rum is divine…try this stuff. Go to their Facebook page and look at the recipes and try them all! And their website, oh, man! Hilarious movies explaining what a kraken is…beautifully done, very steampunk.

I collect krakens…I have…ornaments, pins, a stuffed one (okay, it’s an octopus, but I call him Krakey.) I even have a finger puppet one, where four fingers manipulate four tentacles. In fact most of my kraken look like octopus. But why not? You ever seen one? Gonna tell me that isn’t what they look like?


My current tablet has a kraken on it…a gift from a friend at the holidays. And she got me a great bumper sticker, too. Thanks, Terrio!

I have a kraken I sorta befriended on the Romance Writers Revenge, the blog I’m part of. I wrote a blog about feeding inner critics to the kraken and it was a hit…with the kraken as well as me fellow writing pirates. It’s here ( if you want to check it out. And now? Well, he makes appearances whenever one of the crew needs to feed someone to the kraken. Do feel free to wander over to the Revenge on any day and toss those pesky inner critics to him. He loves it and they generally return a bit more subdued and not so loud and nasty. I do love my Krakey!

You know how it is, you feed a wild thing and it begins to follow you everywhere! Might even send a young’un to perch on your computer!


Maureen said...

Wow. I really do like krakens don't I? ;-)

Ann Mayburn said...

You're Kraken me up!-lol- Sorry had, to say it. But otherwise, that is a really really interesting collection! Some of the pieces you have are beautiful works of art. Kudos to you for collecting something as unique as you are. :D

If your book sells over a million copies, you need a diamond Kraken necklace.

L. Diane Wolfe said...


Hellie Sinclair said...

Hilarious, Mo. Your Kraken collection reminds me of Lisa Kleypas' Armadillo one. It's sorta like a talisman--hers are armadillos and yours are krakens. It's very sweet...and in both cases, you don't expect those creatures as talismans for anyone. *LOL*

Maureen said...

A diamond covered kraken sounds divine! When ya gonna buy me one? ;-)

Cthulhu Hulu on the lido deck!

It would be hilarious if my fans...hee, hee, start bringing me kraken, Cap'n Hellion...

Marnee Bailey said...

hahaha!! I love that you've befriended the Kraken. And you do have quite the collection. :)

The one on PoTC, though, was frightening. And I am weird about anything from the sea. Unless it's been made into fish sticks.

Maureen said...

Marn - It takes some getting used to. I remember visiting Ray City when on a cruise in the caribbean, and being surrounded by huge rays, and they ate right out of your hand! I loved it. SIL freaked and broke records getting back on the boat!

Anonymous said...

Ann you stole my line there. This does sorta Krack you up, you know.

Interesting, Marueen, you are not a dull preson that's for sure.

Love and blessings

Maureen said...

I strive not to be dull...but I may be dull in person... I'm not sure! ;-)

Terri Osburn said...

You're welcome! I love your affinity for the Kraken. And I love that the ones you write (and hang out with) are good krakens.

I'll leave the rum to you. :)

Kathleen said...

You have some beautiful sea creatures in your collection, Maureen. I like the Kraken on your computer the best. I bet he inspires you, and keeps you company, too.

Maureen said... I'm thinking I need to create an evil kraken... Oh, wow. That might really work with the third book! Thanks, Terri! ;-)

Kathleen - Yeah, he's a sweetie. He might come to RT with me...though the finger pupper one is so tempting...

Stacie VanE said...

I love, love, love the pendant.

Personally I love monkeys, but I am trying to think of a good way to incorporate a monkey into my mystery. Hey, I just thought of something.


Maureen said...

;-) Well, there is the evil monkey in the closet...

Or the monkey's paw...

That top pendant? It's a cameo! Really adore it...wish I could find more to buy and I'd give them away as prizes.

Go monkey!

Kathleen said...

Bring him along. He'll get lonely at home.

Maureen said...

Yeah, he may become part of my Fairy Ball costume! ;-)