Friday, February 4, 2011

Just the Facts with a.c. Mason

I guess I’m ‘supposed to tell you the facts, all the fact so help me... Now whether you are incline to believe anything I say is your business as I do make stuff up. Don’t forget I write fiction.

       1)      I did not learn to drive until I was 26 years old. Look, I was busy and had other stuff to do.
       2)      I have an aversion to heights. If I was meant to fly I would have been born with wings. This has never stopped me from doing something I wanted to do even when my better judgment should have.
       3)      I have not travel to tropical destinations since I was a child. 
       4)      Snakes aren’t my friends. We have a healthy relationship at a distance.
       5)      I’ve taken the train from one Canadian coast to the other. I’m in awe of the beauty of Canada.
6)      I’ve been a downhill skier ever since I can remember. I don’t like the lifts. You guessed it.  Because you are high off the ground in a flimsy piece of metal attached to some roping. What’s the deal with that? My favorite place to ski is the Marmot basin.
7)      The things I miss the most from my childhood are the summers out by the ocean in the town I was born in and the French culture of living in a Francophone community. A few food items I can’t get over here too like sugar pie and cheese curds.
8)      My father is American. I have a large extended family living in the United States of America.
9)      I love every single one of my gray hairs. I stopped dying my hair all shades of the rainbow when they appeared. I’ve earned them through the adventures, knowledge, and experience my life’s journey has afforded me.
10)  I’ve jumped onto a moving train. I don’t recommend you try it as the situation got hairy.

So there you have it. I hope that these revelations give you a deep look into all that is Moi.

If you want to learn more about me, come on by my website at or find me blogging here

I hope you will pick up Surrendering To The Right Man, book one in the Soul Food Diner Series when it comes out.

a.c. Mason


Maureen said...

Jumping on a moving train! What a thrill seeker! I do like my grey hairs and one day, I will set them free!

Anonymous said...

Going from one end of Canada to the other on a train sounds like fun,but I wouldn't be jumping on a moving train, nope, not that adventuresome.

I to have let the gray fly. I can't say I like it that much, but it sure is easy to care for.

Sounds like you are well rounded.

Love and blessings

Author Leanne Dyck said...

It was a pleasure getting to know a little more about you.
I really like what you said about grey hairs. And, of course, being Canadian the words you wrote about Canada well... : )Thank you

a.c. MASON said...

Thanks Maureen.

There is a freedom to letting your gray shine--a sexy je-ne-sais-quoi.


a.c. MASON said...

Thanks Rita.

Sometimes my free spirit needs some taming. It was me and a good friend. I still don’t think she forgives me for shortening her life expectancy. I couldn’t stop laughing.


a.c. MASON said...

Thanks Leanne.

I’ve got one province and three territories I still need to see. But wow there isn’t a corner I’ve seen so far without charm, beauty and warmth despite the cold. : D


Hales said...

Jumping on a moving train is such a 'guy thing' wonders if it were a dare?

I too hate heights and yeah that includes ski lifts. Went skiing only once.If I was meant to slide down a mountain I'd have been born with better cordination!

I hate snakes too matter of fact lizards as well. Nothing like brothers putting two fullgrown iguanas in bed with you!

I'll check out your wordpress! Great getting to know about you!

a.c. MASON said...

Thanks Hales.

Not dare. I wasn’t going to miss the train, so when it started leaving and I wasn’t on it. It was epic battle of wills.


Kathleen said...

It,s fun learning more about you. It sounds like you,ve had an interesting life.

I love the beach,too but I,m still not accepting my greys.

All the best,

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Ah, if you want heat in Canada I'd suggest that you visit Manitoba in the summer.
Also, for more temperate weather visit beautiful British Columbia--especially the southern gulf islands. While most of the rest of North America is cover with snow--we are drowning in rain.

P. Kirby said...

I'm not fond of ski lifts either, but for a different reason.

I'm a klutz. And I invariably fall off the stupid thing when I get to the top. Yeah, I'm the moron lying there in a tangled pile of legs and skis, in everyone's way.


a.c. MASON said...

Thanks Kathleen.

That's okay. I don't give up easy.


a.c. MASON said...

One day, Leanne I'll get real holidays in the summer and see places when they aren't frozen. lol.

I lived on the mainland of BC in Richmond some fifteen years ago. I enjoyed all the different types of rains.

I’m originally an island girl born in Cape Breton.


a.c. MASON said...

Aww P. Hug...

But imagine all the hot sky patrol rescuers you can meet that way.


JoAnne Kenrick said...

aww don't feel bad about not learning to drive until you were 26 -- i'm still learning (only just started actually!) so there!! 26 is pretty good going next to me LOL

a.c. MASON said...

Thanks Jo-Anne.

I was protecting the world. Really.

: D Mason