Welcome, JoAnne ~

1. How did you start your writing career?
I’ve always typed away at a keyboard. Either on my wee red typewriter
I had a child, or my old, ready-for-the-scrap-heap laptop. And I will
admit I submitted a short story to Woman’s Own when I was fourteen
(typed on my red beauty). They politely told me the story was not for
them, but that I should keep writing. It was quite macabre for the
likes of Woman’s Own, titled Haunted Halloween House. Duh, what was I
Believe it or not, my professional writing career launched not with
fiction, but with non-fiction. Feature articles for glossy magazines
to be exact. Psychic art, power animals, crystals and color healing
are my areas of expertise.
And my first book, When A Mullo Loves A Woman, is my launch into the
world of romance. It releases December 3rd on ebook.
2. Where do you dream of traveling to and why?

It’s tough thinking of places I want to visit these days. I’ve moved house eleven times in the last thirteen years; across Wales (my home town), Scotland and England. New South Wales and Minnesota. And I currently reside in North Carolina.
Bucket list status:
Australia. Check. And yes, I got to cuddle a Koala and pet a Joey.
Get married in Vegas, in a red dress. Check.
Hollywood, to see what Melrose Place is really like. Check.
New Orleans, for food, music, and atmosphere (possibly timed for the
Vamp Fest). To do.
Belize for Mayan ruins and scenery. To do.
Transylvania, for obvious reasons…I’m a vamp/Dracula nut. To do - -
although I did end up in Transylvania County, NC, last month. Does
that ‘count’?

I don’t have a current release, but my debut book When A Mullo Loves A Woman comes out 3rd of December. The story began as a short I had written between non-fiction pieces – it was my first fiction piece in years. But the original short had very different characters in it, and
it was more horror than romance. I’d forgotten all about it until I saw Dracula for the umpteenth time. An idea sparked in my mind (of course now I know that’s the plot bunnies at work) after Dracula said his most infamous line about crossing oceans of time to find love. Next thing, I’m at my laptop researching Dracula. A gypsy blog
discussing mullo came my way by accident. The plot bunnies had a field day with that one. And the rest is history.
4. Who is your favorite author?
You can’t make me chose just one!
I adore Virginia Andrews (her original work, not the writer who took
over the name V.C. Andrews when she died). I’ve been told her
influence shows in my upcoming Decadent Publishing release. Lara
Adrian, Dakota Cassidy, Michelle Rowen, Michele Hauf, Ciar Cullen,
Christine and Ethan Rose, and Sara Taney Humphreys to name just a few.
Seriously, I have so many favorite authors. I read too much. Wait. How
can you read too much? Never!
I love paranormal series, especially vamp ones. I’m a vamp addict.
There is nothing more romantic than the idea of eternal love…Dracula
is my all time favorite story, if you hadn’t figured that out yet.
5. What was your first sale as an author?
My first sale as an author was my upcoming release with Decadent
Publishing, When A Mullo Loves A Woman – My nine year old daughter did
a massive happy dance when we heard the news; she’s so proud of her
mama! And I’ve got to tell you, it didn’t sink in straight away. I
didn’t believe it until I saw my magnificent cover – it’s out of this
world to see your work represented by an image. Kudos to Dara England,
the cover artist at Decadent Publishing, she captured my favorite
moment in the book perfectly. [Blog Maven's note: Don't miss When a Mullo Loves a Woman book trailer following this interview!]
6. If you could be an animal, what would it be?
I’m not sure I’d want to come back as an animal…especially if I
remembered my life as a human. I’d miss being able to write, and watch

my favorite vamp movies. Oh wait, you asked if I could BE an animal, not what animal I would be if I was reincarnated. Duh! Past lives are totally on my mind because in my upcoming release, the hero and heroine have a past life connection--how many more plugs do you think
can I squeeze in for my new book? Hmmm
Back to the question. I opt for dolphin!
7. If you could spend the night anywhere, where would it be?
112 Ocean Drive, Amityville, NY. Residents who’ve lived in that house
since the Lutz family fled the property in the middle of the night,
say it isn’t haunted. But they’re going to say that, they don’t want
to de-value the home, right? Plus, I imagine they want to discourage
the drive-bys from local kids and curious visitors. Just one night,
that’s all. Let me at it (she says with Scrappy-Doo vigor)! With so
much controversy surrounding the Lutz’s story, I’d love to find out if
the place was/is haunted for real.
8. Plotter or Pantser? Why?
Somewhere in-between. I’m a pantser at heart, but because my work
usually involves twists and turns, I like to have a basic outline of
what ‘should’ happen. If I don’t, the characters lead me up the garden
path and toward a story with never ending chatter and pointless
scenes. Tsk, characters. Give them a page, and they take ten.

Fish and Chips! No doubt about it. There is nothing like being by the Sea-Side, in the UK, and munching down on a bag of Fish and Chips. Oh yeah, baby. That is what life is about. You have to get the server to
soak them in salt and vinegar before they wrap them up so they go all mushy on you. Nom nom nom. That is the one thing I really miss about living in the U.K. And yes, I’ll be sure to put on tons of weight
during our trip back this Christmas.
10. Cat lover or Dog lover? Why?
Both! I would love a dog…a Husky…but the hubby is definitely just a
cat person. We have a cat. He’s feral, or he was before a meeting with
a squirrel. It nearly killed him, and now he rarely ventures into the
garden without one of us present. Too funny. Fun fact: I think our
cat, Whiskey, was Scottish in a past life; he always pricks his ears
up at bagpipe music, and does a little ‘dance’.
And even though he scrambles around our new hardwood floors like
Scooby-Doo being chased by a dozen monsters, the whole family loves
him to death!
When A Mullo Loves a Woman
That must have been one mad squirrel! Wow!
You almost make fish and chips sound tasty! Not that I don't like 'em, but I prefer them uber crispy.
Love the way you describe character's running away with the page count! ;-)
Hi, Maureen -- hugs!
It was one Killer, Ninja Squirrel -- it banged him up pretty bad, and gave him a nice herpes infection in his eye which meant he nearly lost his eye, too. But he's a fighter...or he used to be. Now, he's happier watching those squirrels from a distance LOL
And Fish n Chips are yummy, already missing them -- Fries from a burger place just isn't the same. But we'd still rather live in the States than UK, esp after their VAT increase to 20%!! That was a shocker when we heard. Surprised people can even afford to eat Fish n Chips still LOL
OH -- As ya can tell, I did this interview BEFORE my book, When A Mullo Loves A Woman was released. Needless to say, the book IS available to purchase right now, and people are saying some wicked things about it :)
You can find it at pretty much ALL the ebook venders such as Kindle (UK AND USA), All Romance, Smashwords, 1 Place For Romance, Digi Books and Coffee Time Romance. Decadent rocks, they really made our books accessible for everyone :)
Great interview Jo-Anne... I love when the family rejoices in my accomplishments too- good luck with the book...btw- loved the book trailer, awesome job
You're making me feel homesick - I love soggy fish n chips!
Hope the books doing well.
awww (((Nina))) sorry hun! Just remember the dark winter nights, and the fact that everything is really expensive -- that should snap you out of it :) I mean, it was getting dark at 4.30pm when we were there over the holidays -- how depressing! Glad to be back in NC, when it doesn't go dark until 6ish!
And you can always do what we do...buy tin of mushy peas from world market or the net -- lot of online retailers for Brit food these days -- and then make homemade chips and batter up some cod. Not quite the same, but still tasty :)
Thanks, Dawne xx Lovely when the family shares in the celebrates, and get excited for each other! Shows love is all around :) hehe
Hi JoAnne, We have a few things in common. I love cats, and vampires, but have a dog. I got married in Vegas, too. But, not in a red dress. lol As for the Amityville house, I think you're brave to want to attempt a night in the house.
All the best with When a Mullo Loves a Woman.
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