Friday, January 7, 2011

Just the Facts Friday with Leanne Dyck!

Don’t let the ‘y’ throw you, my last name is pronounced—dick.

I hate talking on the phone, but I love reading in front of an audience. Since 2006, I’ve done 18 readings, in a variety of venues.

I’m dyslexic, but I graduated from high school with an award in Language Arts and Accounting.

After an 150 years absence, I was the first person in my immediate family to return to northern Iceland. I was delighted to find many long lost relations.

I’ve changed over 1,000 baby diapers, but I’ve never been a mother and I’m the youngest in my family.

I was born, raised and reside in Canada. In fact, I’ve lived in five out of ten provinces.

The house I was raised in is the same house where my dad was born and raised. My grandfather built it. My niece now owns it.

I rarely hiccup more than once.

I can knit with my eyes closed.

Find Leanne at: The Sweater Cursed Blog
Her Website


Maureen said...

Okay, aside from winning a bet...what are the advantages of being able to knit with your eyes closed? ;-)

Man, I'd love to visit Norther Ireland. It's where the O'Hagan (my maiden name) clan originates, though I don't know if that is where my immediate great grandparents came from. There's some mystery in that!

Valerie Mann said...

I've always wanted to go to Iceland, I'm not sure why. But how cool that your ancestors are from there! You should blog about that trip...

Kathleen said...

I think it's great to be able to knit a beautiful item, such as a sweater, blanket, or warm hoodie. I tried to make an apron in sewing class. It turned out to be a disaster. I can't even sew a button on with my eyes open.

Maureen said...

My one attempt at knitting? Started so wide and ended up so wide X 3. I kept splitting the yarn!

Anonymous said...

I can't relate to most of this, I don't like to go where it's cold normally. And I can't knit or sew, although I can sew a button on and hem a skirt. That's about all.

Everyone has to have thier thing though. Congrats on knowing what yours is.

A said...

I think the house is so cool. Coming from a country where anything more than 30 years is usually demolished for new (but not necessarily better) developments, to me that is uber cool. :)

Becca Dale said...

Great facts, Leanne. Glad to know I have been pronouncing your name right. As for knitting with your eyes closed that is impressive. LOL

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Hi Maureen,
Ah, the advantage--you can knit in a dark movie theatre. : )
Splitting yarn is easy to do. I've done it myself. Tip: knit with a tighter spun yarn.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Hi Valerie,
It is cool. : )
I've blogged about it as well as written two articles. The articles appeared in a knitting magazine and in the Association of Knitwear Designer's (AKD) trade newsletter.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Hi Kathleen,
Thank you.
Like writing, knitting is something I have to do.
And I'm sure, you could learn. As my grandma often told me (as I tried not to toss my needles or the yarn), "All it takes it practice."

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Yes, I agree, it does help to know what fills you.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

A, yes, Canada is like that too. Love made that house a home--love keeps it standing.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

Hi Becca
I can't tell you how many times I've had to correct people. In fact, I had to be corrected myself. I saw my husband's name before I meet him.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

I'm surprised no one asked about the diapers. I'm dying to explain and so I will. It was my delight to care for children (from infant to school age) in day care centres. I worked mainly in the infant room. I have such fond memories of cuddling with a baby as she slept. Oh, yes, and then there were the first steps, the first words, the first...
: )

Kathleen said...

I wanted to ask about the diapers. lol Thanks for mentioning it. It must have been fun.

Author Leanne Dyck said...

: ) Yes, it was a lot of fun.