“Music is what feeling sounds like.” -Unknown

Think about it. Different days call for different genres. Happy days are light-hearted ballads and upbeat, cheerful pop tunes. Bad days or sad days are dark metal with soaring vocals or Widor organ toccatas where the bass notes rumble in your breastbone and the neighbors hate your guts.
Sometimes the best way to get past a difficult scene, or get my head into a story is to listen to the music I’ve chosen to go with it. I make playlists for specific novels, for scenes, even for specific characters and/or emotions. I’ve been known to loop a single song (So She Dances by Josh Groban comes to mind) until my roommate probably wanted to kill me.
So I’ve decided to share a part of the playlist for Blood Moon. (My playlists are long. I won’t bore you with the entire thing.) I’ve identified what scenes a few of them “go with.”
1. All for Love – Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting
2. So She Dances – Josh Groban (This and All for Love were the two songs used for the proposal scene)
3. Bossy – Kelis
4. Day ‘n’ Nite – Kid Cudi
5. Give Me A Sign – Breaking Benjamin
6. Gotta Be Somebody – Nickleback
7. Hero – Skillet
8. I Miss You – Blink-182
9. In The Air Tonight – Phil Collins
10. Via Con Me – Paolo Conte
11. Black Spider – Sunday Driver
12. Rain – Creed
13. The Bird and the Worm (Instrumental) – The Used
14. Just Like You Imagined – Nine Inch Nails (Part of the ending fight scene)
15. I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts – Danny Kaye (Yup. It goes with Thaddeus.)
16. Can’t Take It In – Imogen Heap
17. Mi Morena – Josh Groban (Love scene)
Thanks for stopping by and reading (or listening!) What things inspire you? If you’ve read Blood Moon, do these match what YOU thought? I’d love to hear what you think!
In the Air Tonight...man, I do love that song. Especially the awesome drumming...
Saw Phil Collins in concert once, and it was really incredible!
I need to move him to my playlist!
Interesting playlist, I have to check some of those out, as I don't know them. :)
My playlist is currently sporting Linkin Park's new album.
And I can tell you that Howl (my next book) was inspired by a song by Florence and the Machine.
This is a very eclectic mix! It's always fun to me to see what songs inspire other writers. And Silke, I'm with you on the Linkin Park, love those guys! But my latest WIP is full of darker music and a big naughty dose of Hinder's latest.
You did a great job on your playlist, Ellen. I know some of the songs. I'm enjoying the pod you posted, and listening to the one's that are new to me, too. Thanks for sharing this on a Monday morning.
Thank you for those beautiful songs. You can DJ my parties any time you wish. : )
Don't know many of these, sorry. But to each his own, really.
I like soundtracks and some old songs, some rock and roll, some easy listening, a lot soundtrack, Last of the Mohicans inspires me. Shennahdoah inspires me. Guess we are all different and of course age has a lot to do with it.
Thanks so much for all the comments! I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner!
Maureen - who doesn't love Phil Collins? :)
Silke & Valerie - I love the new Linkin Park album. It took a few days to grow on me, but now I play it all the time.
Kathleen - Thanks!
Leanne - Thanks - but according to my students DJing isn't my strong suit. You guys like my taste. Them...not so much! lol
Redameter - Soundtracks are always good. And the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack is awesome!
fab playlist... pretty much all of those songs are on my ipod :) besides a few i've not heard of such as The Bird and the Worm?! LOL oh, and Josh Groban.
Jo-Anne - You've never heard of Josh Groban?!? *gasps, clutches chest and falls dramatically to the ground*
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