*How did you start your writing career? It was the winter of 1984, in the middle of a nasty storm. Shades of Nora Roberts? I wish! In the mail that day I found a birth announcement from a pal dating back to my days working in an inner city operating room. The kids were playing elsewhere in the house, and not murdering each other, so I sat at the dining room table to catch my friend up on all that was going on in my life. Five pages later, I had to raid the kids’ school supplies for more lined paper. After twenty-three pages, and multiple forays into the school supplies, I thought, ‘hmm, what’s going on here?’ It was twenty years before I held my first book in my hands. I don’t regret the mistakes I made or the side paths taken toward the road to publication though occasionally I wish it had happened a bit sooner.
*Where do you dream of traveling to and why? I fell in love with Prague while reading Robert Ludlum’s “Parsifal Mosaic” and Bucharest after seeing a college production of “The Mad Forest” so I’d like to visit those two cities. And, I’d like to live in County Donegal, Ireland for the rest of my life. The local history, proximity to Ulster, and the ocean vistas take my breath away.
*Tell us about your family. I am blessed to have had the same husband for the past forty something years who gave me three daughters. They in turn gave me two sons-in-law and four precious grandchildren whom I adore, and more reasons to laugh than any woman has a right to.
*Do you listen to music while writing? I listen to whatever genre I’ve chosen to use in my current WIP. For an upcoming release, Embraceable You, I listened to Gershwin music for weeks on end. For another story I wore out the cast album of “Jersey Boys”.
*What are your favorite TV shows? I appreciate unique, flawed characters and dialogue that makes me laugh out loud. So . . . I am addicted to The Closer and Leverage. And, because I believe Tom Selleck is even more attractive today as opposed to his days as Magnum PI, I never miss Blue Bloods on Friday nights. Chef Michael Symon from the Food Network has a ridiculously naughty laugh so I catch him every chance I get. Once a day, I check out House Hunters on the HGTV network because I like to scream at the idiots who complain if a home doesn’t have granite counter-tops or two sinks in the bathroom. I have friends who would kill for a bathroom to call their own, one that sports a secure lock on the door. .
*If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be? My best friend going back to second grade, Sue Locke, lived and worked in the same rural town where we grew up. Before she died of pancreatic cancer in 1990 she asked several times to see me. Using any number of excuses, I never went back to tell her good-bye. At that time in my life, I’d raised lazy cowardice to an art form. I owe this brave, selfless woman a huge amends.
*What question do you wish was on the list?
Which motion pictures have made an impact on my life and writing?
The Stoning of Soraya M.
The Official Story
Veronica Guerin
Dead Man Walking
Steel Magnolias
The Killing Fields
I thank Decadent Publishing for giving me the opportunity to work and write for them and for offering me the opportunity to stretch my author’s skills.
Veronica Lynch
I can remember those long letters! Recently, my mom gave me a big zip lock bag full of letters dating back to the early 80s... I am looking forward to digging in and reliving my past!
Hi, Maureen!
I used to be big on writing long letters. I wonder what happened to change that. Email perhaps?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I enjoyed getting to know more about you Veronica, I wish I would have started the journey to publication earlier too, But, I"m having a blast now. My grandsons love my cover art.
That's what it's all about--leaving your grandchildren a legacy, something that you created which they can hold in their hands in years to come.
Thanks for stopping by.
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