Lisa Olmstead is the publisher and co-owner of Decadent Publishing! Her partner-in-crime, Executive editor and co-owner, Heather Bennett, interviewed her!
You may want to sit down for this...
Lisa, you are an anomaly. Left-brained scientific career, and a right-brained, boundless creative side. Does it hurt to be so smart?
LOL! I really don’t consider myself an anomaly…a curiosity maybe!
What is your favorite genre to write?
Sci-fi romance. I’m limited only by my imagination
To read?
The adrenaline junkie in me loves a great techno-thriller.
Now you're a publisher. What is the best part of that?
Besides no longer being forced to dodge obnoxious, inebriated patients taking swings at me? Or a medical system poised to implode? Couldn’t help getting that little “dig” in.
Publishing is my definition of “following your passion” and I love everything about it, although I occasionally miss the 4-point leather restraints.
Tell me all about how fabulous your partner is.
I couldn’t do this without her. Seriously. I wouldn’t even bother trying. It all comes down to our combination of skill sets, personalities, intrinsic talent and goals. Heather’s strengths are uniquely paired to my weaknesses and vice versa.
Together we’re a formidable team.
What makes Decadent Publishing special?
Their people.
Do you prefer salmon or steak?
Steak. I’m an unapologetic red meat eater, although fresh salmon coated with a spicy dry rub and cooked on the barbecue can melt my carnivorous resolve in a split second.
How does your handsome husband help you be the spectacular businesswoman you are?
Where to begin? He cooks, cleans, runs countless errands for me when he’s not at work. All I have to say is, “Honey, I’ve got to get this done and I need some help.” He will literally drop everything he’s doing to come to my rescue.
What city is the most fun for you to visit?
Vegas, baby!
You live in Alaska. Can you see Russia from your front door?
Nope, although it felt that way while we were living in Dutch Harbor!
And before you ask me about Sarah Palin…please don’t. I’m begging you.
Galaxy Express ~ Adventures in Science Fiction Romance!
Techno-thriller? Interesting. Now I know what I should write next. And your husband sounds so sweet. It's always great to have the man be so supportive.
You're awesome!
It sounds like you were in the medical profession. Do we have something in common? I know exactly what you mean. lol
Oh, I made a mistake and put anonymous. Silly me.
Now I see where you get the inspiration for your heroes! You live with one - go, you!
Clarissa, I kissed plenty of toads before finding my prince:)
Hi Kathleen, I figured you could empathize!
Thanks for this fun interview.
Here's another salmon recipe you may enjoy.
Needed: salmon (Um, yeah)
parmesan grated cheese
lemon herb spice
bread or cracker crumbs
Heat oven to 350. Spread, sprinkle fish with ingredients. Toss into the oven for half an hour. Then broil for 6 more minutes. Sounds rather strange, but believe it's delicious.
I love it when husbands are a rock of support for their wives. It's nice to know "heroes" aren't just in books! Have you ever thought about writing a medical thriller?
Great interview, Lisa. I enjoyed learning more about you.
I'm going to add this interview link on my blog site and promote it on FB...unless someone screams at me NOT to!! =D
Great interview. It is nice to get to know a bit about you, Lisa, beyond the helpful woman at the other end of the email. I am glad you appreciate what a prize you have in your hubby. Mine is the same way, and I can't imagine not having him around. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Heather, Lisa and everyone,
Nice to learn more about you Lisa. Great interview.
If the way I have been treated since arriving at your doorstep is any indication as to how life is at Decadent, I'm moving in. Just put my name on a glass!
I wish you continued success. There are so many great authors here!
Brita Addams (Tina Ordone)
Great interview! It's always nice to learn more about your bosses.
Salmon, huh? No moose, or bear?
By the way, Speaking of Dutch Harbor, the interviewER is so super jealous that the interviewEE had her hands on Captain Jonathan and Cap. Andy.
And I thank you all for your kind words and recipes about Lisa. She's quite fabulous, I agree!
Heather @Decadent :-)
I'm new here, but have spoke with LIsa several times, always the helpful lady. And it is nice to be greeted by someone so nice too.
Such a sweet lady, yes, it is great to read something about her and her family and life.
I'm a red meat eater too, but hey, I come from Texas and you can't be a true Texan unless you like steak, come on down Lisa, you'd look great in a stetson!!!LOL
Four-point leather restraints, eh? Oh, I can think of so many reasons why you should go back and GET those. hee hee You know something? Every time I read a little more about you, Lisa and you, Heather, I am more and more convinced that Decadent is the place to be. Add in all the WONDERFUL authors that are here. It's win-win all the way.
You and Heather have changed my life. You made me a different person—better. So without Decadent Publishing, I don't know where I would be, really. I don’t think DP is special, because it’s a publishing company. I think it essential and successful, because the time and care the company takes with its authors and their work. Also, the respect you show your readers is awesome. Mix that with hot abs and chocolate, you most assuredly have a winner. Bravo! Great blog by the way, Vegas baby! Wooohoooo :D Great place to hold DP author conferences, (wink).
Big hugs,
Keira Kroft
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