I like it wild.
My name is Deena Remiel, author of Trinity, A Brethren Novel, soon to be released here at Decadent Publishing. Some pretty wild situations occur in Trinity, stretching the limits of my main characters’ sanity.
It can be pretty exhausting reliving these paranormal situations over and over again whenever someone opens up their book. So, I thought I’d treat them to a wildly romantic night away from all that, and give them a taste of the Fine Arts. Just for tonight, Wednesday night.
You can benefit from this as well because I am going to share their plans for the evening. Feel free to follow along with your partner. I’m sure you both deserve to be a little Wild on Wednesday, too.
Michael and Emma’s Wild Wednesday
(Otherwise known as “Appreciating the Fine Arts”)
Materials needed:
chocolate syrup
white chocolate syrup
food coloring
thin paint brushes
dim lighting (may involve candles)
Music needed:
Ravel’s Bolero
What could be more sensuous than the seductive classical piece, Bolero? Painting to it! I don’t mean on traditional canvas with traditional paints. I’m talking about using your bodies as the canvas and various colored chocolate syrups as the paint. And clean up is so devilishly easy.
Picture this: as the music begins innocently, so do you. Light strokes on innocent places. Delicate touches of a paintbrush. Swirls and dashes claim their territory. As the melody repeats and the music slowly builds in intensity, so does your desire to increase the scope of your masterpieces. Sweeping arcs smooth over the broadening landscape of forbidden hills and valleys. Nerve-endings ignited, your brushstrokes are stronger, bolder, more daring. Bolero’s crescendo hits its climax as you paint yourselves into a frenzy of vibrant colors, sweet scents, and sizzling sensations.
Well, I need to go fetch my husband. I am sure you can see how the rest of this artistic endeavor is bound to culminate. Have you always wondered if you could learn to appreciate the Fine Arts? I think that question may have just been answered…
If you’d like to spend more than just a Wild Wednesday with me, come over to Deena Remiel’s Place any time. The door’s always open!
What a sensual way to entice the channel changer away from your husband. I love it! Thank you Deena.
Oh, yummy!!! You had me at the white chocolate...
Wow! What a way to get me to read anything you write. That blog was hot, yet sweet, full of love and beauty. I also have the needed items already in the house :)
I always imagine holding a whip when I hear Bolero... Hmmmmm!
Kathleen, lol! I know you don't feel that way about me. I mean, we haven't even met yet! lol
Oh Jennifer, I'm so glad I could appeal to the fans of the lighter side of chocolate. :)
Kathleen, and my former remark in no way meant that I'm into threesomes! I meant to say MY HUSBAND! LOL
Keira, you're so sweet! Thank you! And please do enjoy this evening since you've got it all right at your fingertips. :)
Maureen, I suggest YOU paint with the whip dipped in chocolate! Talk about WILD! Whoo! ;)
Painting? Were we painting in here somewhere? ;-)
Maureen! You slay me! LOL Do it again, ma'am, harder! ;-)
Dp authors have such great sense of humors. I'm always smiling when I read the comments.
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