Hmm, that's oddly a difficult question. I have always been a storyteller, even as a child, so writing was just a natural transition and something I never even thought about. I just did it because it is who I am. I find inspiration in so many places I could never pinpoint it to one person or thing
Who is your favorite author?
The list is too long but my favorite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
What was your first sale as an author?
Red Riding Hood to Decadent Publishing Aug, 2010. It's an erotic retelling of the classic story. You never know what can happen on the way to grandmother's house!
What is the hardest part of writing your books?
Finishing them and not getting distracted writing another book, lol
If you could spend the night anywhere, where would it be?
On a deserted tropical island with my hubby! :)
Does your significant other read your stuff?
Um that would be a huge NO! He doesn't like to read and the last thing I need is to psyche myself up to have him love it and hear the dreaded "I't's fine." Besides he likes to pick on me and he would torment me forever if he read something like "aching cock."
Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
Yes and no. If I want help on something I ask but I really have no real critique partner that always looks at my work. But I have plenty of Beta readers
Not in the traditional sense
What is your favorite color?
Baby yellow
Boxers or briefs?
I like my hot men butt ass naked
My short story Secret Santa comes out this Friday Nov 26th and it will be the December Read for Life feature, where all publisher profits go right to The American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. During this Holiday season I will also be donating 50 cents from each purchase of “Secret Santa” to this great organization.
So if you have never read an m/m story before I would encourage you to pick “Secret Santa” because not only do m/m books ROCK, but this story is One Naughty Read for One Nice Cause!"
Find Deanna on Facebook!
I think that's pretty funny, he'd torment you for using the phrase 'aching cock'? What? Keep telling you he aches? Hee, hee!
Okay, that's what mine would do! Though he's helpful on nautical details. That's nautical, not naughtical!
LMAO, Deanna! I feel excatly the same way about my hubbie reading my work.
Okay, I'm curious...
Do you believe in ghosts?
Not in the traditional sense.
What is the traditional sense, and how does that differ from your beliefs? You know I had to ask. LMAO
I don't normally read m/m, Diana, but for you, for Relay for Life, I'm gonna have to give it a go! OK folks, make room in the pool 'cause I'm comin' in! ;)
@ Maureen- Yeah my hubby would do something like that too. Always bring it up by saying, "C'mon honey, but my cock is aching..." he he he
@ Joanne- Your Q is as complicated as it is simple. This is a pen name, BTW and I don't like to touch on personal beliefs, principles etc. My "real" person has to remind me not to reply to political posts on FB all the time. I only live to write naughty things and leave the deep stuff for my "real" person. But since you asked, I believe there are things out there but as I do not believe in life after death in the way TV shows it, (vapory versions of ourselves leaving our bodies and floating about immediately after death) that was what i meant when I said I didn't believe in ghosts in the 'traditional' sense. My "real" person actually thought about skipping that Q because she couldn't really answer Y or N and did not want to be asked this exact Q, LOL. Thanks a lot Joanne! i haven't even had my coffee yet! :)
Whoot, Deena! I'm gonna make you a convert!!!
Oh, BTW Maureen, I changed the spelling of your name to O. Betita instead of O'Betita on The Ichabod Interviews! Sorry 'bout that!
That's cool, Deanna. If I ever need a penname, I may go for O'Betita! ;-)
I have to agree about husbands reading our work. Mine doesn't like to read either, and I would only want him to say good things. But, he does read blog entries, and so far I'm getting his approval.
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