DP: Shana Stiles, your heroine in White Wedding, made a devastating discovery about her fiance’. In real life, how often do you think women are blind-sided by learning some terrible truth about their loved one?
Ursula: More often than we'd like to think, and sometimes they still continue in the relationship. Opting to live with things than without.
DP: If you were Shana, would you have handled the situation differently?
Ursula: I would have probably done what her mother did first, but I would have knocked him out, then I would leave. LOL!
DP: Shana owns a salon and spa chain. What is your favorite thing to do at the spa?
Ursula: Depends on which one, but I love the mineral baths then a nice body massage. If you ever go to the Hershey Hotel then you've got to try the chocolate bath.
DP: Here’s a hard one for you: Who are some of your favorite authors?
Ursula: Now that's really tough for me because there are so many of them and they are across the literary spectrum. So just to name a small few who have been influential I'll say Jane Austin, Robert Jordon, Anne McCaffery, Melanie Rawn, Julie Garwood, Christina Dodd, Iris Johansen, Hannah Howell, Octavia Butler, Sandra Kitt, James Mitchener, Stobie Piel. Okay I have to stop now, but see what I mean. I can fill this page. LOL!
DP: What does your family think of your career as a successful author?
Ursula: Mixed reviews. They are proud and love it, but when somebody needs something NOW, not so much.
DP: LOL! Sounds like there are teenagers in the house. How do you juggle your writing time with family obligations?
Ursula: I hide in the basement. No seriously, I do what all parents do, multitask and wish for more time in a day to get it all done. Then try not to beat myself up when I fall short.

Ursula: What's that? If I had it I'd read for pure pleasure, hike, shop for me for the heck of it and cook for fun.
DP: What dessert do you indulge in to get you in the mood for writing?
Ursula: Doesn't matter, never changes…pure unadulterated chocolate. You can keep the strawberries.
DP: You have Jimmy Thomas on your website banner, and Charles Paz on your cover. Any more Mr. Romances hiding up your sleeve?
Ursula: LOL! Love those guys…what sweethearts. As a matter of fact yes, I'm working on it.
DP: When you write a hero, does he spring from your imagination or fantasy, or do you have certain flesh and blood man you model him after?
Ursula: All of the above.
DP: What non-carnal activities do you find sexy watching a man do (ex. Cooking, cleaning the pool, building something)?
Ursula: Bush hogging, a man with a chain saw in his hand, or chopping wood.
DP: I can tell you like your men hot and sweaty:) What colors inspire your creativity?
Ursula: Purple, black, red, cobalt blue.
DP: Are you an early riser or night owl?
Ursula: Have no choice but to be both, otherwise nothing gets done.
DP: If you could make a movie out of White Wedding, who would play the characters?
Ursula: Shanna definitely Halle Berry, Ross- Huge Jackman, Eboni- Zoe Saldana, Simon I'm gonna have to think about, but Noah is Kellan Lutz.
DP: Thank you, Ursula. Oh yes, Huge Jackman would be perfect as Ross! All we'd need is some chocolate to go with that movie:)
Ursula Sinclair is the pseudonym for LaVerne Thompson, a multi-published, award winning bestselling author, an avid reader and writer of contemporary, fantasy, and sci/fi romance featuring interracial relationships where race is not a factor. Ursula is her alter ego who likes to push the envelope of relationships just a little more. Decadent Publishing is pleased and honored to feature her wonderful, interracial romance White Wedding for our readers’ enjoyment.

1 comment:
Sounds like a fabulous story.
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