By Azura
faerie magic, ghosts, witchcraft...
I get your attention? There’s a new title out: Darkest Kiss, Darkest Bliss. It
involves all of the above—and more. So many paranormal romances nowadays are about
werewolves, vampires, and other shape changers. What about the men and women
who call upon the unseen forces? Better yet, what if they call upon them
without really knowing what they’re doing?
often write the bad guys of their real lives into their books. Heck, I’ve done
it many times myself. Deirdre, my heroine, takes it a step further. She has
suffered the worst betrayal possible. When it comes to love, people do drastic
things. However, her husband was warned, but he thought he could have his cake
and eat it, too.

invite you to read Deirdre’s story. At 12K it’s a quick yet satisfying read. I
challenge you to see if you can figure out how the book ends. I’m betting you
won’t, mwahaha! Be careful, a li’l voodoo mixed with other magic can....
you’ll just have to read Darkest Kiss, Darkest Bliss to find out.
Leave a comment about a paranormal experience you've had (keep it light!) and Azura will pick one winner to receive a copy of her new book or one from her backlist at Decadent Publishing! Don't forget to leave your email in your comment!
Oh, Voodoo is so cute, though I believe she is trouble. LOL
My paranormal experience involves cats, actually. When I was a teen, I was on my bed studying. My mom's cat, Endora, was on the bed beside me, when something came into my room and dashed under my bed. We both saw it, and looked under the bed together. Nothing was there, though I could have sworn it was another cat.
Endora... Wasn't that the name of Sam's mother on Bewitched?
And I believe you re the car. Ive seen similar here and I our old house.
Cat. Darn iPad keyboard!
I wanted to leave a comment but I haven't had any paranormal experiences! Not sure if I should be pleased or sad about that. Good luck with the book!
I've lived in two haunted houses, so I've had a healthy dose of paranormal in my life--most I could do without, lmao!julomb 31
Kate Richards and I both had paranormal experiences while staying at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio in March. It's a historic, very haunted hotel. I had a male ghost ride the elevator with me several times and he spoke to her one night. And she and I both shared the immense grief of slaves when we visited an exhibit at the Freedom museum in Cincinnati this past June. Not sure if that qualifies as paranormal, but more an empathic experience. I will never forget it. We were both blown away by the rawness of it even after nearly two centuries.
wow! That's awesome!I bet every hair on your heads stood at attention!
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