The War Between the States is raging in Georgia in 1864, and
Sophia Carpenter is waging a Civil War of her own with her alcoholic papa …
unfortunately he has the upper hand. Her mother buried years ago, it is up to
Sophia to keep their dirt farm producing so her and her father don’t starve.
Even now that she’s of marrying age her papa does everything
in his power to keep suitors away. If she gets married who will take care of
him? Sophia’s had enough of cooking and cleaning and taking his abuse. She’s
ready to find a man of her own, but with the war taking nearly every young man
to the front it leaves few in Clark Springs for her to choose from.

Sophia’s rose-colored glasses have gotten her through her
tough life so far. Perhaps Lucas could find a glass slipper or some other way
to whisk her away from her papa’s grasp. Or would their forbidden love bring
nothing but trouble?
Excitement threaded through her. Was she finally getting a man? A
handsome, caring and courageous man at that. God had outdone himself when he’d
answered her prayer.
“We have to keep this from Papa.” Mr. Grady hadn’t taken the musket with
him to the barn. Her old man could come out here and shoot him at any time.
“We can, for now. If that is what you wish, Miss Carpenter.”
Sophia exhaled. “That is what I want,” she said, shifting her weight. If
they were going to court, they needed to know more about each other. One
question had been plaguing her since the evening she’d sewn up his leg. “I’d
like to know about the battle.”
His eyebrows knitted together and he leaned back. “What would you like to
know? War isn’t a ladylike subject.”
She didn’t care whether it was proper or not. Papa had never treated her
like a lady. “How did you get shot?”
“Charging the Yankees,” he replied, a playful undertone to his voice.
She’d learned he wasn’t much of a talker, but she wanted a better answer
than that. Maybe she should start with a more direct question. “What regiment
are you from?”
“The 4th Georgia Infantry.”
Good. I can work off that. “So you’re from Georgia, then?”
Good. I can work off that. “So you’re from Georgia, then?”
“No, miss. Tennessee. But I transferred here.”
“Oh. All right, but why did you end up on my doorstep instead of with
your regiment?”
“Not much left of the Fighting Fourth, miss,” he replied curtly. Color
drained from his face, and a haunted look filled his eyes.
She swallowed hard. It had been wrong to bring up the difficult subject
now. They’d talk more about this later, when he was ready.
“I understand,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“One good thing came out of that battle,” he said, his gaze lifting to
hers. “I met you.”
Her heart flipped. Yes, she was Cinderella, and he was the nobleman
coming to her rescue. Talk like that would charm her silly. Already she had a
hard time keeping him off her mind, continually pausing in the middle of
working in the garden to glance over at the barn.
One thing continued to bother her though. He seemed to be holding something
back. Why hide something
unless you were ashamed or worried or afraid? Maybe all three. Except Mr. Grady didn’t seem the type
of man to do something wrong—always acting the perfect gentleman. “Mr. Grady,
seeing as how we’re courting, I think it would be all right if you called me
Mr. Grady grinned; his eyes no longer looked haunted. “In private, of
course, Sophia,” he said. “And you may call me Lucas.”
“I look forward to getting to know you better, Lucas.” She had so many
questions. Hopefully their next conversation would be smoother. This one had
been as bumpy as a toad’s back.
When the clock struck twelve, would her dream come true or fade away?

loves to connect with readers. You can find her here:
I'm really excited for the release of Solider in Her Lap! :)
Cool post, Haley!
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