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by Stephanie J Grace
When I first heard about the prepper series, I
thought it was interesting, but had to think hard about if it could work as a
central theme in a romance story. I mean, what is romantic about having fifty
bottles of laundry soap or a waterless toilet?

So, there’s passion in preppers for prepping.
Where there is passion and excitement about a task, there’s the possibility to
share that passion and passion begets...more passion. Even a sweet romance
needs the spark, the possibility, the start. Writing Myra and Oakes’ story was
such a joy (as my mother called me every week, casually asking how it was
going) and this story not only nods toward prepping, but also to first love,
new love and even established love still going strong. The mix...ah, it’s one I
hope my mom enjoys because she’s been waiting!
Do you prep on purpose? Or maybe you’re a ‘stocker
upper’? What’s your favorite thing to have on hand *just in case*?
All the best,
J Grace Grace
Easy Peasy
Myra’s childhood in a prepper bunker facilitated her
self-sufficiency, but at twenty-four, she’s tired of being a lone mitten. With
her business keeping her busy, she’s not sure when she’ll find Mr. Right, but
hopes he likes long walks in the park and princess movies.
Oakes Willowbee, just starting his prepping, needs all the help he can get. Former military and in over his head, he’s trying to get his life in order to be ready for a worldwide catastrophe, but he’s having a hard time getting past sheep. With Myra’s help, Oakes gets a taste of prepper life, but his fascination with preparedness might kill their budding relationship.
Despite the attraction between them, finding a balance between living and surviving could be anything but easy peasy.
Oakes Willowbee, just starting his prepping, needs all the help he can get. Former military and in over his head, he’s trying to get his life in order to be ready for a worldwide catastrophe, but he’s having a hard time getting past sheep. With Myra’s help, Oakes gets a taste of prepper life, but his fascination with preparedness might kill their budding relationship.
Despite the attraction between them, finding a balance between living and surviving could be anything but easy peasy.
ooh another angle on the prepper idea and it sounds great. My item to stockpile - toilet paper - sorry but it has to be that!
Hahaha, Barbara! Yep, TP is a stockpile here too. That's one of things you really don't want to run out of!
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