are for kids…right? Well, I don’t know what your household is like, but we
don’t do a big celebration of my birthday. It’s all about the kids instead. I
don’t like being the center of attention, so suits me just fine.
have some great memories though. My eldest has drawn me several pictures for my
birthday and my youngest writes me birthday cards, with the sweetest words
inside. Those are the gifts I cherish the most, the ones that touch my heart
the most.

Birthday to the Road to Hell series! LOL Kind of poetic that we have the same
birthday month, huh? So, let’s turn this year’s celebration into a Birthday for
adults! In honor of my birthday on October 4th, I’m giving the winner their
choice of one Decadent e-book. All I ask for you to qualify is that you enter
the Rafflecopter contest below…the first entry is required. Contest is open
to international residents. Good luck!
The best birthday present was this year. I turned 25 and 2 days later found out I was pregnant with our now beautiful daughter who is 5 weeks old. :D
The best birthday ever was Sept 4 1999. I was 8.5 months pregnant with my daughter, my mom married the man of her dreams in the back yard of our house on our deck and my sister gave birth to my niece, Logan. ALL IN THE SAME DAY! My mom was 2 hours late to her own wedding because Logan decided she was coming out. I got to video tape the birth and cried like a baby the whole time. Not because of the labor or birthing, because of the miracle (I was pregnant with my first child)! It was the most incredible day ever!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated) Gracen! Thank you for sharing The Road to Hell with us all!!
happy birthday to you. i hope you had a great one and thank you for the giveaway. you are the best.
Happy Birthday belated Gracen.
Wow the best birthday present I ever received was from my son. He cleaned the house and fixed things that needed to be done. And the Icing on the cake was when he said he was taking me to the Senior Prom.
He said mom; it's all arranged. I went to the school board and told them how you never attended any of your proms. He said; I wanted my mom to have a Senior Prom. So I want to bring my mom to Prom. He said the ladies all had tears in there eyes because he wanted to do this for his mom.
We went and the theme was Paris Nights even with the Eiffel Tower and the Arc De Triumph. It was amazing night with my son.
Teresa K.
tcwgrlup41(at)yahoo dot com
Best birthday gift??? Truthfully, they are the cards I get from my dad!! Each year, I get teary eyed at how special they are...
Thank you for the great giveaway and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you again...
Happy Belated Birthday to you!! Thanks for the chance for the giveaway. Leann
I married my husband 2 days after my 25th birthday that was my best gift. 18 years and going strong!
Carin mawmom at gmail dot com
Happy belated birthday . My best birthdate present to me is reading and relaxing
Hope you had an awesome birthday! Mine was the 3rd, so DH and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate with friends. I got flowers this year, which I love!
Happy Birthday to you Gracen! The best birthday for me was the first year my kids remembered my birthday on their own and made me "breakfast" in bed, complete with handmade cards and promises to "be good" all day!
Happy Birthday!!! <3
Best gift was a letter my dad wrote on a card with my present.
My best birthday had to be my 23rd birthday. Drinking with the best friends I could ask for, singing and watching my ex play the guitar. It was perfect.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!!! Best gift ever? Gosh, I can't really remember. My bday is the day after New Year's so I'm happy when anyone remembers. Lol. I have to agree with Kathryn. My folks get me the best cards. Even the funny ones leave me in tears.
My Best Birthday Present, is from this Next Birthday to all the next ones I am Given. I cherish each day I have. I will live each day as my last. I am not promised tomorrow anymore.
Happy Birthday!!
May All Your Wishes And Dreams Come True!!!!!
We are almost birthday twins!!! lol Happy birthday again Gracen :) You are awesome! Thanks so much for the giveaway! My best birthday gift ever was 17 years ago I gave birth to my second daughter on my birthday! Couldn't have asked for a better present :)
While growing up my grandmother would make me the best chocolate cake. It was a chocolate roll and the icing was like eating a bag of sugar. The frosting was so sugary sweet but then she would drizzle unsweetened chocolate on top. That was my best present (got to love my chocolate).
Happy Birthday, Gracen! And happy book birthday!
My best birthday happened when I turned 20. My parents were away on vacation, and I had some friends over before we went out. And well, more happened with my boyfriend, who is now my husband... Best birthday ever!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy belated birthday!! I've stopped doing birthdays now - best present for me is people forgetting I've aged another year!
Such a pain to be over 27 - cough
Happy Belated Birthday. The best birthday present I ever got, was the Kindle I got last year from my sister and her three kids.
Happy Happy Belated Birthday hope you got everything you were wishing for .My best bday gift was my kindle love love love love it
Happy birthday, and happy anniversary, Gracen! Best birthday present...I'm gonna go with a box of chocolates, a bottle of Bailey's, and the latest Tom Clancy, with instructions to use all three as intended while curled up in front of the fire. Nobody knows you like sisters....
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