by Sultry Summers

The idea for Tail of the Dragon came about while riding a
road in North Carolina known as Tail of the Dragon to many of the motorcycle
enthusiasts around the southeastern United States and its legend is spreading.
This eleven mile stretch of route 129 crosses from North Carolina into
Tennessee is a twisting turning tangle of switch back curves. Many ride it with
stomach churning success, unfortunately some don’t, and several bikers have
been killed attempting it. Whether they became over-confident or ran into a
semi-truck who accidently made a turn onto a road most big truckers avoid isn’t
the issue. The sad fact of their passing is. Both states regularly patrol the
road and try to keep the riders and drivers as safe as possible. The route
leading up to the Tail of the Dragon on one side goes by Fontana Dam and as I
sat on the back of my husband’s motorcycle, the thought of a dragon swooping
down for a cool drink of water came to mind and the story began there…
riding her Ducati sport bike is ready to challenge a twisting, turning road
known as Tail of the Dragon. Forced to stop because of a violent unpredicted
storm she parks near the dam where the eleven mile stretch of road begins. But
another challenge bursts from the weird, purple lightning storm in the form of
a changeling dragon/knight.
Garnith, a
changeling/dragon is locked in battle with an evil wizard while in his dragon
form. Cursed by the evil warlock and sent unto
another time and place as his flaming breath engulfs the wizard, Garnith
emerges in the twenty-first century over Fontana dam in North Carolina. Swooping
down to drink from the fresh water of the dam he accidently touches a
power-line, and, injured begins to change. He manages to land on the overlook
where Danielle has taken refuge. Garnith sloughs off his backpack before
passing out.
Danielle is terrified
but entranced with the creature changing before her eyes into a handsome,
incredibly built, naked man. Drawn to the obviously injured man she opens his
pack to find clothes, among other things.
Garnith wakes
to see Danielle, dressed like a warrior in her colorful riding leathers, going
though his pack. He catches the shirt she tosses to him while he enjoys the
strange way Danielle is dressed. Where and when is this strange place the
wizard has sent him?
Danielle and
Garnith find chance has little to do with their meeting. Destiny has played a
hand and soon both find the evil wizard has found his way into the future, in
another life, to exact revenge on Garnith. The wizard discovers Garnith’s
attraction to Danielle and will use her to his ends. Unless Garnith can stop
Garnith saw fright and distrust building in
Danielle’s entrancing blue eyes. He’d seen that look before in the stares of
those who witnessed him change, and he hated it, especially in the face of a
beautiful maid. He’d never harm her, though she had seen him in his dragon
form, and it could be a problem.
His gaze narrowed, contemplating her and the strange
clothing she wore. She dressed in leather, like a warrior, but he saw no sword
or other weapon. Her garments hugged every part of her body revealing far too
much of the beautiful woman beneath, if she showed it, he would appreciate it.
A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Tall compared to the females
in the time he came from, still she wouldn’t meet him on eye level. Her
strength impressed him. Unassisted, she’d pulled his sword from the pack while
it was tangled and caught with a heavy piece of his armor. His gaze travel over
her and settled on her boots, admiring the craftsmanship.
When she swung her leg over the seat of the thing
she rode, he realized she was attempting to escape him. In a quick movement, he
lunged for her instead of his sword and succeeded in reaching her.
“Where do you go, maid? I’ll not harm you. I need
yer help.”
Garnith kept his voice even to calm the girl, but
when Danielle stiffened in his arms, he knew she’d panicked. His huge arms
wrapped around her petite waist and pulled her from her bike. Despite the surge
of liquid heat the contact with her body sent rushing through his veins, he
felt her terror, too. Using the heavy boots she wore to her best advantage, she
fought like a wild creature kicking whatever body part her foot came in contact
with. She’d slipped on her riding gloves before he grabbed her, and they were
made from a material far sturdier than leather. Danielle balled her fists and
used them as punishing weapons striking his jaw with a well-placed punch. He
turned her loose, amazed at her strength and ability as a fighter.
She tried to gain her feet, but quickly, he again
wrapped her in his grasp. This time she lay on her back with him atop her.
Garnith watched Danielle draw a great breath to scream but covered her lips
with his own to silence her, praying no one would happen by. He held her down
until she quieted, subdued by the tussle and his embrace, then drew away to
look at her face.
“Calm thyself, Danielle, I mean thee no harm.”
Sultry Summers
What a fantastic way for an idea for a story to come to you!! I've only been on the back of a bike once, and I didn't have the helmet on tight enough (compulsory to wear a helmet in the UK). I spent the whole ride petrified it would fly off!!
Great blog! I love bikes and a coworker has done this route. Congrats on your release!
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