In the last few years, music has really had the ability to touch my heart and this time of year, that continues to prove true. There’s nothing like tearing up in the department store because I’m actually listening to the words of the songs playing through the speakers.
When I was very young, Christmas music meant jingling bells and super heroes with questionable hygiene. We sang a few classics at school, mostly about a certain red nosed reindeer. In high school melodies got more complicated, and I enjoyed every minute of the holiday music season.
My faith life has grown exponentially in the last few years, especially since I’ve become a mother. Suddenly the old classic Christian Christmas songs mean so much more.
I imagine that silent night and being away in a manger and my heart actually races at the thought of what it could be like (Father and Son: A Nativity Story by Geraldine McCaughrean is an amazing nativity story, btw).

When I think about Joy in the season, Joy in the hope of what Christ’s birth really meant...well it’s simply beautiful. I’ve sang the songs hundreds of times in my life, but feeling the words and truly echoing the music with my heart gives it amazing power.
I adore this new chapter of music in my life and I hope I’m always so touched (I’ve learned to keep tissues in my purse in the event of a song triggering tears).
No matter your faith or credo, I hope you’ve been moved this season and find something in the New Year that inspires you.
From my family to yours, Merry Christmas.
Stephanie Beck
Ditto to everything you said, Steph!
Merry Christmas, Stephanie!
Merry Christmas, ladies!
Merry Christmas, Stephanie. Christmas needs music!!!!! We love listening to music of all types while we open presents and cook and eat...
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