1--I am the younger child of two. My brother, Denny, is thirteen years older than I. Here we are circa 1966-ish.

2--Despite being 'displaced' from my home state of Wisconsin for some twenty-six years now, I still have a thing for Holstein cows. I just think they're adorable.

3--My first, chosen and love of my professional life (aside from writing!) is/was radio. My first radio job was "sitting the board" during Milwaukee Brewer baseball games on WHBL-AM. I spent those long nights scraping nicotine residue off the RCA ribbon microphone's windscreen. (Not my nicotine residue...)

4--I grew up a Milwaukee Brewers fan and spent many a sunny afternoon in the old Milwaukee County Stadium. Once I became "displaced," the nearest American league team was the Detroit Tigers. Needless to say, my hope for split cheering in this year's World Series was nixed this past weekend--Tigers and Brewers lost. I do love "old school" team logos/mascots.
5--I have "real" penpals, although now the thirty-year-plus correspondence is via email. One is in Queens, New York, the other in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Wendy Burke blogs regularly for A Daily Dose of Decadence. She has two books on Decadent's shelves and hopes the house has room for 247 more! She can be found on Facebook – Wendy Burke Author, at her blog site, Whatever Wendy!, at Twitter: @WendyBurke1994 and lurking around the Internet. When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy has a fine life with a chef husband (YES – no cooking!) and two furry feline kids and a full-time job that keeps her from writing fulltime in ‘beautiful’ Toledo, Ohio.
Condolences on the world series stuff... And those cows are adorable!
I used to have a pen pal in Spain, but it's been years since I've heard from her. We've both moved since then.
I was born and raised in Wisconsin, where my mom still lives. I now live in central Kentucky where the cows do NOT know Wisconsin moo-ese! I just can't communicate with these southern animals...LOL! I grew up LOVING the Brewers, going to all their games, and could tell you stats on every player! I fell out with baseball many years ago but have always loved football and the PACKERS!!!
books4me67 at ymail.com
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