Sunday, September 13, 2015

High-Risk Fever Nominated!

 by Lea Bronsen

What fabulous news and a true honor to have one of my books chosen to compete in The Romance Reviews Readers’ Choice Awards!
I started writing the GLBT erotic ménage High-Risk Fever two years ago in response to an erotica anthology call. The antho didn't happen, but my characters Anne and Mica were vehement their dripping hot story needed to be told, so I continued writing. In that process, I surprisingly (both to my readers, surely, and myself) broadened my genre spectrum from hetero erotica to GLBT and ménage. Well, I had already told the story of a passionate gay boy in my debut novel Wild Hearted, but now I was describing full-on gay acts and choreographing steamy foursome scenes that spanned over several chapters… Phew! Quite a new experience, and definitely a challenge. *laughs*

This is the story:
Two young and indecently handsome bicyclists visit a village in the French Alps during the summer holidays. Forced by a raging storm to spend the night at the local bed and breakfast, they invade the quiet lives of hostess Anne and her husband, Brian. A power outage plunges the foursome into darkness, encouraging new liaisons to form, life-long secrets to be unveiled, and steamy lessons to be learned. But once the storm moves on, can the four find a balance and resume their normal lives?

Thank you for reading J and I hope you will be many to give High-Risk Fever your nomination vote in the "GLBT – Ménage à Trois or More" category on

About me:
I've always had a vivid imagination and written since an early age. Now juggling life as a mother, full-time worker, and thriving author, I struggle to find any reading time – but when I open a book, I want it fast, hot, and edgy! Striving to give my own stories the same intensity, I currently divide my writing time between psychological thriller, suspense romance, and erotic contemporary romance.
I love to interact with my readers, so mail me at or come visit me on Website | Facebook profile | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon |Pinterest


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