let me be up front, I’m not a winter type of gal. It’s my least favorite season.
By now, I’m sure everyone heard about the snowpocalypse that hit Buffalo last
week. When I see pictures of all that snow it makes me shudder.Crazy!
my little corner of New York, we’ve only received one light dusting so far.
That I can handle. But since winter is inevitable, I tried to come up with five
things I do look forward to about this season. I only came up with three
kids’ excitement when it snows. They love it (can they really be mine?). My
husband will take the snow blower and plow a maze in the backyard for them to
run around in—and they have a blast. I love watching them play.
holidays. For my family, we’re looking forward to Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Each year we host a sleepover kiddie New Year’s Eve party for our kids, niece
and nephews. It’s a fun night of silliness and karaoke.
chocolate. What better way to spend those I’m-not-going-out-in-that days, than
sitting on the couch drinking hot chocolate and reading a good book.
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
Bysshe Shelley
sure she means this in a more philosophical,“light at the end of the tunnel” way, but it seems an appropriate reminder that nothing
lasts forever—including winter. :)
Turner made a mistake—a couple, in fact. Ruining a surprise meeting with the
front man to her favorite band is just the beginning. But agreeing to switch
places with her famous sister may spell the end of both of their careers. With
rumors flying and an unexpected invitation from Madame Eve, Rachel hopes she
can put the mistakes behind her.
an event to support a charity close to his heart, Mark Travis wasn’t looking
for love, or even company—and definitely not with a fan. But when he puts in a
hasty bid at a silent auction and wins the services of 1Night Stand, Madame Eve
has something different in mind. A single evening with a woman she claims can
fulfill his needs. But one night might not be enough.
morning, will Mark and Rachel’s unexpected one-night stand give them more than
they bargained for?
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Author Bio:
Tara Andrews divides her time between a full-time job as an
office manager, an even more full-time job as a wife and mother, and her dream
job as a romance author. An avid reader and writer, Tara continuously seeks to
hone her craft in order to provide readers with stories that are provocative
yet romantic.
Tara lives in upstate New York with her wonderful husband
and two fabulous children.
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