Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Buy Carry Me Home HERE
By Alexa Bourne

My latest book, CARRY ME HOME, is out this week! I’m so excited for so many reasons, but especially to be a part of the Decadent Tease series. Tease stories are shorter, but they pack a punch! To find out more, visit For now, I’d like to tell you a bit more about my hero and heroine.
Jamie and Mary MacDougall have been friends since early childhood. They’ve fought against and for each other on a number of occasions. They’ve shared celebrations and also mourned together. When they became adults, they married.

But a HUGE difficulty arose and changed their relationship. They stopped talking and so they couldn’t help each other get through the most difficult time of their marriage. CARRY ME HOME begins months after this, after the wound has scabbed over but is in no way healed.

Fighting with our loved ones is a fact of life. Who among us hasn’t hollered at a significant other or a family member at one time or another? There are many reasons people fight and they may all seem legitimate, but to be true to ourselves and our relationships, we absolutely must be willing and able to share our comments about why something isn’t working. Communication is key. Yes, it may be painful, but if the bond means something to the people involved then sooner or later love will win. Not everyone is strong enough to wait and work through the issues. Jamie and Mary want to be strong enough, but they’re really not sure if they are. 

I promise you that they can rise above their challenges. Plus, I guarantee you’ll love how they guide (and sometimes drag!) each other to their Happily Ever After.


bn100 said...

Good to know there's an HEA

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Jessica E. Subject said...

The best part of any romance is the journey the characters go through to find their HEA. Congrats on your new release!