Sunday, March 10, 2013

ThenTurks. The End. The Contest...

OK people, I’m gonna see who has been paying attention during my little ‘round the world book tour celebrating the e-book bundle and print anthology of THE TURKISH DELIGHTS SERIES….

I will ask you 5 questions, the answers of which can be found within the posts of the tour over the past 2 weeks. The person with the most correct and who remembers to leave me an email with the answer comment WINS:
Signed Print Copy of Turkish Delights anthology
$50 Amazon gift card (you know, so you can buy all the Liz Crowe backlist—that will get you some of it!)

Here we go….ready?

1.   What is the name of the law enforcement entity that detained Your Favorite Author Liz by the side of the road in Turkey?
2.   What does “Emre” mean in Turkish (the name)?
3.   Tulips originated in Holland. True or False.
4.   What is the name of the “Hot Greek Dom?”
5.   Does Liz love lokum?

AND A BONUS….if you get all these right PLUS This one you also get a Beer Wench Tee shirt from my brewery:
Which character did I find “most compelling” in the series?

There is a list of blogs I visited on my own: in a post labeled: Here Come The Turks.

Go forth, find, read, and win!
If there is more than one person with all the right answers I will choose the winner at random between them via a drawing.

FIFTY BUCKS people, AND a signed copy of that book (plus a tee shirt if you get that last question right).

Thanks for reading along and be sure and let me know how you feel about my Turks after you read them in either the Amazon e-book bundle or the print version!


Anonymous said...

1. Turkish Gendarme
2. Emre means twin
3. False. They originated in Asia.
4. Andreas
5. Yes

BONUS - Caleb

Anonymous said...

1. Turkish Gendarme
2. older brother, friend, or passionately in love
3. False
4. Andreas
5. yes

Bonus is Caleb

Maria Malaveci said...

1. Turkish Gendarme 2. Friend; deeply in love 3. False 4. Andreas 5. Yes Bonus: Caleb mmalavec(at)med(dot)umich(dot)edu

bn100 said...

1) Turkish Gendarme
2) older brother, friend, passionately in love
3) false
4) Andreas
5) yes

BONUS: Caleb


Aly C. said...

1. Turkish Gendarme
2. Friend, older brother
3. false
4. Andreas
5. Yes
Bonus: Caleb
alyssaxchen14 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

1. Turkish Gendarme
2. friend (can also be loving friend or older brother)
3. False
4. Andreas
5. Yes
Bonus: Caleb

karen(dot)arrowood(at)sbcglobal (dot)net

Sandy Borrero said...

1) Turkish Gendarme
2) Ruler of the estate, Twin, older brother, friend, passionately in love
3) False
4) Andreas
5) Yes

BONUS: Caleb

SheriV said...

1. Turkish Gendarme
2. friend
3. False.
4. Andreas
5. Yes

Bonus: Caleb

smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

Liz said...

thanks for the comments! I will announce the winner tonight! 3/11/13

BookLady said...

I hope I'm not too late. I got the email late.

1. Turkish Gendarme
2. Friend
3. False
4. Andreas
5. Yes

Bonus - Caleb


Liz said...

CONGRATS to Maria Malaveci! check your email!

Maria Malaveci said...

Thank you so very much...... ! Just emailed you. I am so excited....!