Has someone helped or mentored you in your writing career?
KT: My mother has been a big influence for me since she was a teacher for twenty-five years. She has read and critiqued my work. I also have a few close knit group of readers and writers I can turn to who give me great advice.
Who is your favorite author?
KT: My all-time favorite author is Stephen King. If I ever had the chance to meet him, I think I would get down on my knees and worship him. He’s one of the authors I’ve read who has influenced me as both a reader and a writer.
What was your first sale as an author?
KT: My first sale was in May 2010 with a lesbian contemporary romance called Lovestruck that takes place in New York City between an older, business woman and her younger, female employee.
When in the day/night do you write? How long per day?
KT: I find I do my best writing in the later afternoon or at night and try to write 3-4 hours a day or until I write between 2,000-3,000 words. Whichever comes first.
What is the hardest part of writing your books?
KT: Getting into the mind of my characters and staying there, where the point of view doesn’t jump all over the place. Also trying writing a love scene can be sometimes hard since I don’t want to venture into purple prose land.
What do you think makes a good story?
KT: Engaging characters and a unique storyline that hasn’t been told before.
Plotter or Pantser? Why?
KT: I once was a pantser, but am now more of a plotter. I find writing an outline or synopsis before I start a book helps me move along faster, and is a great guideline or support to use if and when I get stuck at a certain point in the story.
Tell us about your family.
KT: I come from a very traditional family with parents who have been married for almost forty years and live in the first house they ever bought. I’m the oldest of two daughters.
What is your favorite color?
KT: Purple
Boxers or briefs?
I find it easier to have an idea of what the plot is, to help guide the story along, but I may come up with a different angle, as the story develops. I agree about the hardest part of writing being staying in the mind of your characters and not changing point of views.
KT, my 7yr old son recently decided he's 'so over' the underoos and now proudly sports boxer-briefs like Daddy. Jeez. You'd think he won the NY Marathon the way he struts around. LOL
Kathleen: I also find it helps a great deal to know where I'm going, rather than write a scene and then figure out what's next.
DP: Awww... :)I do love underoos though.
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