If you’ve ever been on our website, decadentpublishing.com, you may have seen a category listed on the left called ‘Read For a Cure’. What the heck is THAT, you may ask.
‘Read For a Cure’ (http://www.decadentpublishing.com/index.php?cPath=67_69&osCsid=mh3enaflrgl9oa1td1hddo3v45 ) is a Decadent Publishing program that benefits the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Each month, Decadent Publishing will donate our publisher proceeds from one book to Relay For Life in our effort to fight back against cancer.
Relay is the flagship fundraiser for the ACS, funding more Nobel Prize winning researchers than anyone else and putting more money into cancer research than anyone in the world besides the US government. Unlike some charities with as low as a 10% donation rate, an average of 93% of money earned with Relay is donated to research and services. Relay is put in motion by an army of volunteers led by a few very passionate and dedicated ACS staff members. Relay celebrates (our cancer survivors), remembers (those we have lost) and fights back (with fundraising and information).
Cancer is not sexy, it’s not entertaining, not funny, not interesting. What it IS is common and devastating. I would bet that you, a family member close to you, or a close friend has been affected by cancer. I know I have, as has my Decadent partner Lisa. As an ACS volunteer for Relay, I am fighting back in my own town by joining the event planning committee (I’m both the Online Chair and Sponsorship Chair this year), having a team and raising money. In the past two years, my first two involved in Relay, I’ve personally raised over $1500. Lisa supported my efforts then and was enthusiastic about how we could help with our company.
When Lisa and I decided to open Decadent Publishing, the Read For a Cure program was conceived and we are so proud of it! It’s our way of helping our readers become aware of Relay For Life and giving them a fun and easy way to fight back against cancer and read a great book at the same time. By purchasing a Read For a Cure book each month from Decadent Publishing, you are making a difference! You are a warrior for a great cause, an important cause, a personal cause, and you are doing it from the comfort of your own armchair.
With Relay season starting up all over the country, I’d encourage you to pop over to http://www.relayforlife.org/ and see what Relay For Life is all about. You can make a HUGE difference just by donating to someone’s Relay site, joining a Relay team, attending a fundraising event, or becoming involved in a volunteer program in your community like Road to Recovery (http://www.cancer.org/treatment/supportprogramsservices/programs/road-to-recovery) or Look Good, Feel Better (http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/SupportProgramsServices/look-good-feel-better). You can find out when your local Relay is scheduled and show up for a fun family day of celebration. You can form a team with your service organization, church, family or a group of friends. You can even just buy a book and help save a life. Maybe even your own.
Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back. And Read For a Cure!
Heather Bennett
Co-Owner, Decadent Publishing
Proud Relay For Life volunteer
I don't think I know anyone who hasn't lost someone to this terrible disease. I'm very proud to be part of Decadent and support this cause!
We are proud to have you, Kate!
what a great thing you guys are doing! that's wonderful!
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
Cancer is an insidious foe. I'm so proud to be associated with Decadent Publishing and look forward to making a difference right along with you!
You two are a part of what makes others hopeful! Keep up the awesome work!
That's awesome that Decadent is participating in something like this! Hopefully this inspires others (both readers, writers, and publishers alike) to Read For a Cure. No brainer... this is a total win-win.
All of my grandparents died of cancer, two suddenly and 21 days apart. This is a noble cause and just one of the reasons I am proud to be an author for Decadent! Way to go ladies!!!
darkreader, you win 2 books from Decadent Publishing, 1 for commenting and 1 for following!
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THANKS for supporting Decadent Publishing!
Heather Bennett
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